Rainbow Dash

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"Your truest friends are the ones who will stand by you in your darkest moments-because they're willing to brave the shadows with you-and in your greatest moments-because they're not afraid to let you shine." ― Nicole Yatsonsky

Draco's POV

"God damn it!" I swore loudly for the nth time in the past two hours. I was frustrated to the point where all I wanted to do was shove the bloody mission up the Dark Lord's atrocious arse and run for my shitty life. I'd grown up watching Father worship the Dark Lord and follow his trail like a puppy, tail wagging and all. But to be really frank I was never fond of his ways. But then again, I would've been a moron to think my opinion actually mattered. Whatever may the world believe of me, but I was just a mere spawn in a big bluffed plan of the Dark Lord and I could bet my Gringotts vaults my Father didn't really give a flying fuck about me.

Crouching by the Vanishing Cabinet in the Room of Requirement for hours every day was a new past time for me. I knew for sure that the many hours spent in the closed room had started to mess with my appearance and somehow I'd caught the Golden Trio giving me the hawk eyes, but I just couldn't be bothered. If Potty's nosiness could get me out of this nightmare, I might actually give a damn about his existence- just a little.

Giving up my half-hearted tries of repairing the damn thing, I sat down by the corner, dropping the wand near my feet and sighed. I was so engrossed in my own thoughts that I didn't realize until I heard shuffling footsteps that someone had managed to enter the Room Of Requirement.

"Fuck.." I swore under my breathe, grabbed my wand and made a silent dash towards the entrance but it seemed like fates were not happy with me. My foot caught into a magic clipper and I went sprawling on the ground, catching a huge pewter cauldron which came clanking down, right on my chest.

There was pin drop silence as I lay, in pain trying hard to force some air out of my bruised lungs,

" Whose there?" It was Crabbe. I was kind of surprised but I kept my mouth shut and only prayed the goon wouldn't come near to inspect. Thankfully, he didn't. I mustered up what little energy I had and slowly crept towards the exit and upon reaching it, made a wild dash towards the dungeons not stopping even once to look back.

Whoa, that was a close one!

Back in my dormitory I plopped down on my four poster, closing the curtains and shut my eyes. Pushing the pillow aside, I quickly cast a charm which made the pillow glow a faint gold color before revealing a stack of letters, which had been sent to me over the span of a week by my Aunt Bella.

I was torn between the urge to pull my hair out of my head or laugh over the absurd thoughts and logic of my dear old witch. If I didn't know any better, I'd have staked a bet on just how big of a teenage girl crush Aunt Bella seemed to have on The Dark Lord. I mean- it was absolutely disgusting at times to listen (or read, being the case frequently for a while now) about how much she wanted to become the apple of the Dark Lord's eye. And for that purpose she'd started this trend of writing to me almost everyday, inquiring about my mission's progress and dishing away irrelevant and wacky ideas to kill the "Bearded Boring Butt head" as she'd put it.

Sighing, I recast the vanishing spell and adjusted my pillow and lay down, staring up at the canopy.

It wasn't a matter of "Would I kill?"

It was now a matter of when.. which kept me on the qui vive.


It had been almost a week since the nightmare fiasco in my Haven with Granger. The weather had gone chilly and dull, casting a mundane aura around the castle. The arrival of the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang students only proved to be extremely irritating as flocks of girls could be seen following the foreign boys specially Krum around a lot and somehow Granger had stopped coming down to the Great Hall for lunches and dinners. Not that it mattered anyway, the less I saw of her bossy self- the better.

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