Daydream hour #2

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Stories that I wasn't able to include in the adventure's Bible

Magic mirror

"Huh? What is that?" You pointed at the mirror in Laios's hands "Where did you get it?" You were pretty sure that you guys never stumbled on any mirrors down in the dungeon, was it Marcille's perhaps? The elf approached your side, taking the mirror in her hand and turned it to you "It's a cursed mirror that mesmerizes the viewer by showing them visions of a blissful world that 'could have happened'"

You took the mirror in your hands, watching your own surprised expression reflected on it's surface "That's so cool! I can ask for anything? Like: mirror mirror what would have happened if I met Kabru's party first?"

You watched as the surface started wrapping in itself before showing you a scenery.


Finally somehow, someway you were able to reach the second level of the dungeon. After being trapped in that maze for who knows how long just to being chased down by a basilisk once you where finally out, you felt your legs gave out and you fell down on the ground. Well. . .that might be because that damn monster was able to inject it's poison in your system before you could kill it.

Crawling on an open area in hopes for someone to notice your pathetic beat up body you could feel the poison finally take hold of your upper body and ending up pinning you down on the ground where you will, inevitably, meet your end. However you didn't want to die, not now that you were finally almost at the surface. Who knows if your body will ever resurrect by someone, who knows if Thistle will ever find your body or decide to let you stay dead, tired of your rebellious side.

Yet before your eyes were about to close and your vision blur a sudden party stumbled upon your body. You could see the, who you presumed was, captain be startled by your presence and watched him starting barking orders around as you soon lost consciousness.

Next time you woke up your whole body was covered in bandages and you could feel an annoying itch inside the leg the basilisk was able to cut with its talons. Fluttering your eyes open the first thing you saw was the tan face of the captain, his piercings blue eyes observing your own. Once he saw you woke up he offered you a small polite smile before holding out his hand.

"My name is Kabru, you looked in a pretty bad shape down there" his smile widened as you took his hand and sat up "Glad we found you before you could die and the corpse hunters robbed you dry of your money" You nodded at his words looking around the party, who was watching you either with neutral gazes or relieved ones at you awakening. "Thank you so much for saving my life. I own you guys a big one"

You respectfully bowed your head at them, earning small smiles and chuckles. The tan man in front of you shook his head "There is no need to thank us. We are always happy to help a fellow adventurer in need of help. There are already enough despicable people inside the dungeon" behind him the gnome nodded his head "What were you even doing in the second level by the way?"

Taking a deep breath you explained them your mission of reaching the surface in search of help for rescuing your friend stuck on a deeper level of the dungeon. Kabru listened with much attention the words leaving your mouth and you could see pity swirling inside everyone else's eyes. Once you finished your story the blue eyed boy placed a hand on his chin before nodding "Thats sure a horrible situation you are finding yourself in, you have my condolences"

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