Almost drowning sure isn’t pretty but being hit by an unidentified object at speed of light is even less. “Pretty boy!” your loud ass voice was so close to his ears that he genuinely thought he was going deaf. And the last words he would ever hear are gonna be your stupid nickname.
“I’m so sorry Kabru! I’m really sorry! I should have listened to you. . .but I didn’t!” you rubbed your cheek against his, tightly hugging him with both your arms and legs, as if he would disappear any moment now. “I’m so glad you guys are fine! I thought that ugly furry demon ate yall like a five star meal. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sor-”
Your rambling stopped as you felt something hard collide with the back of your head and shutting you up for good. “Goddamn, stop whining! They are fine, we get it!” Chilchuck shouted angrily, his arm still stretched in a throwing position as his lockpick tools were missing from his belt.
“Uh. . ._____?” Kabru mumbled out, still dazed by everything that happened “Was that. . .all a dream?” rubbing the aching spot in the back of your head, you tilted it in confusion “What are you talking about?” behind him Pattadol slowly raised on her knees, rubbing her forehead with a frown latched on her lips “I get the feeling I was having this extremely pleasant dream. . .I was completely enveloped by something gentle and warm. A total sense of fulfillment. . .”
Namari nodded her head “And just when I was starting to think, ‘Ahhh, now I can finally let go. I will never have to suffer again-’ Suddenly Laios appeared in front of me and started chewing down on everything around us. And just when I thought that things had finally settled down. . .” her expression shifted into a disappointed one, as a sigh passed through her lips “‘I don’t need you anymore’. I heard those words as I was spat out. . .”
Under you Kabru let out a deflated sigh, leaning his head on your chest “Somehow. . .” he started slowly “Well . . .I kinda feel a bit let down. . ." Those words, shared by everyone else, made you glared down at the blue-eyed boy, followed by your hand wacking him “Oi! I'm the only one allowed to have self deprecated thoughts! Don’t you dare say that!”
Marcille joined in with a flabbergasted gasp “He saved you guys just in the nick of time, you know!?” to which that seemed to snap everyone out. “Yeah, I guess something like that was too good to be true, uh?” Namari hummed, scratching her cheek in embarrassment “Oh yeah. . .what happened to Laios after that?”
Your eyes fell on Marcille as she looked away with a frown on her lips.
“Goddamn it Laios!”
Reasonable reaction.
“This ain’t gonna sit down with me until I’ve punched him”
Totally valid goal.
“I feel the same way”
Alright guys, now you are exaggerating a little bit. . .
“Once I see him, I’m gonna kick the back of his knee. . .”

Pickle for your thoughts? (Dungeon meshi x reader)
Action"Alright you dumb door!" Backing away you took a big breath "You better take me to the surface-" You declared, pushing it open with both hands "Or im gonna pulverize you!" Before jumping inside the room hoping that this time it hadn't regurgitated y...