Everything is gonna be fine.¿♠︎♠︎♠︎♠︎♠︎♠︎♠︎♠︎♠︎♠︎♠︎♠︎♠︎♠︎♠︎♠︎♠︎♠︎♠︎♠︎♠︎♠︎♠︎♠︎♠︎¿
Washing away the remaining spots of blood you raised your cloak in the air, turning it around in various directions. You had to make sure that there were no more stains of any kind to dirty your beloved cloak. Your eyes examined every single centimeter, checking and rechecking over again. Once you were certain that it was once again spotless you let out a big sigh of relief "Oh thank the stars. Marcille's soap sure works miracles"
Wringing out the item of cloth from the excessive water you folded it before making your way toward the corridor of the bath house you guys had the fortune to find. It was a bit strange that it had appeared like this out of nowhere but by now you had seen plenty of strange things in the dungeon. No use to question anything at this rate.
You ended up walking toward Chilchuck and Laios. "Hey guys" you waved them over as their gazes turned toward you "Oh ____, I was starting to wonder where you were" from his sitting position Laios raised his head, tilting it so he could look you better. The half-foot hummed , taking another sip of alcohol from the bottle before offering it to you. “Do you want a sip?”
You stopped in your tracks, looking at the bottle for a few seconds before shrugging and taking it in your hands, setting your cloak over your shoulder "Why not, thanks Chil" you took a large sip, feeling the warm liquor go down your throat, before passing the bottle back to the brunette with a grim expression "Damn, this is water, not wine"
"Told ya, Laios"
Your leader looked at you, wrapping his arms around his legs and resting his head on them "Do you drink? I would never have taken you for a person who likes alcohol" he hummed, quite surprised actually. You shrugged your shoulder with a relaxed smile "Since my old job was quite rigid when it came to drinking I certainly don't miss the few opportunities I have to enjoy a good glass of wine. Never got drunk though" Taking another sip Chilchuck chuckle, passing the bottle to you again "Damn, now I feel bad if the only few times you can drink you pass them drinking this cheap alcohol. As soon as we get to the surface I will take you to really good inn where they have the best wine there. The treat is mine"
"Oh my, this wine might not be that weak if you are offering me a free drink"
"Watch your mouth brat, before I change idea"
Laios smiled at the interaction, leaning back against the wall once again "That will have to wait a little longer. After all we have to get ____ back for the help, their friend is still in danger, lets just hope not in a worse condition" bottle between his lips, Chilchuck sweatdropped, having completely forgotten about the deal they made that time again during the living armor mess "Oh yea. . .you are right. Do you think Falin is in condition to face such a journey."
"We could always ask Marcille to get her back to the surface or if you want you can go. After all you did the job we paid you to do."
"Mh true. . .anyway about Marcille. . .did you have any idea Laios? Did you know she could use dark magic?" Leaning your shoulder on the wall you crossed your arms "To be honest I never thought that Marcille was interested in the ancient magic since a lot of it has to do with monsters and well, she doesn't look like a fan of them" Laios hummed, scratching the back of his head "Well, she never talked about her magic much, but. . .she did say she wanted to investigate this dungeon for her studies"
Chilchuck groaned, taking another sip of wine "I always thought something was strange. A rich-looking elf like her delving into the dungeon? It doesn't make sense" unknowingly for the half-foot a certain elf was slowly approaching him from behind, a dark look on her face. You snatched the wine bottle from Chilchuck, pretending you didn't see her coming "You know, I bet she is one of those dark elves! I hope this doesn't drag us into a even deeper mess."

Pickle for your thoughts? (Dungeon meshi x reader)
Action"Alright you dumb door!" Backing away you took a big breath "You better take me to the surface-" You declared, pushing it open with both hands "Or im gonna pulverize you!" Before jumping inside the room hoping that this time it hadn't regurgitated y...