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You sure can be the charmer.


Your eyes lingered on your hair, looking attentively at the way they swayed with every little movement of your body. You observed the texture, the length and the color, taking note of a couple of snowflakes from the storm still glued on them. Slowly your eyes trailed down, making a mental image of your skin and throwing it in the back of your mind, before ending on themselves.

The tired look you had engraved on them during this long journey was there. The light of determination and stubbornness swimming freely inside your own eyes almost complementing your vibrant color.

You scowled, frown deepening and eyes narrowing.

Your reflection's smirk widened, eyes full of mirth.

Too bad that what was in front of you wasn't an hunted mirror but your oh so dear doppelganger. Mx 'Prince Charming', a shapeshifter who couldn't wait to sink their teeth in your flesh and slowly eat every single part of you to take your place.

To be honest if they wanted to go and search for a chimera while trying to not get caught by a mad mage they were more than welcomed to do as they pleased. It's the whole eating part that didn't appeal you. And the fact that they were acting like a casanova with everyone. . .especially Marcille.

There wasn't anything you hate more than someone trying to impersonate your top tier personality and failing miserably. Painting an image that wasn't anywhere near to the original.

With one last judgmental look in their direction you looked away, preferring to direct you gaze toward the rest of the party and their own doppelgangers. It seems that they too had their fair share of worrisome. If you had to be honest you weren't even sure if you could tell which was real or fake. . .but in your defense you were the last one to join the party so you kinda get a pass.

You just hope Laios will be able to distinguish all of you from the fakes. Marcille and Chilchuck were previously in his old party so they should be the easiest. . .you and Senshi not so much.

Talking about the dwarf.

He turned around, eyeing your captain with suspicious behind his dark irises "With Laios. . .there is a real chance that he might find our fake, monsters vision more appealing!" All of you directed your gaze toward the blonde, sweat dripping down the back of your neck. Throwing a quick glance to your doppelganger you paled at the realization that your oh so lovely captain could (and probably will) choose your monster counterpart!

"That's true. . ."

No! Calm down. No need to panic. You shouldn't doubt your own captain ____. Take a deep brea–and your doppelganger went back to try and charm the rest of the party.

That little shi–

Nodding to himself, Laios turned around and took out of nowhere a notepad and pen. "I will be observing from here. I want you all to try your best" his tone held a weird seriousness, not typical of his character. He is really taking this whole judge thing seriously. Marcille looked around, scratching the back of her neck "What are we gonna make?" She asked turning back to Laios.

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