You can never take a break, can you?
"I love you guys *sniff*"
"We love you too"
". . ."
"Ahem!" Jumping at the sudden new voice all your heads snapped to the side, noticing a certain ninja covered from head to toe. She had her arms crossed as her foot was impatiently tapping the floor "The young master is impatiently waiting for you" her words slowly sank in before Laios let out an 'Oh right! Shuro!' and the hug was quickly broke.
Clasping you hands over your cheeks you calmed down before following the others and returning to the point where the two groups were (rather awkwardly) waiting for you guys. Laios quickly went toward Shuro, excitedly going back to talk his ear off. Poor man, he just wanted to know if Falin was fine. Marcille and Chilchuck followed their leader, with the half-foot teasing the samurai at the sight of his all-women party.
"*Cough*" everyone's attention was immediately attracted to Marcille who with a smirk turned towards her party "I will let you know that the five of us did manage to kill the red dragon" As you suspected her words immediately caused an uproar, with gasp quickly filling the room. Kabru covered his mouth, hiding an amused smile "So in addition to the hydra you also killed a red dragon?" he couldn't help but let out a hum.
"Uh!?" Laios snapped his head towards you, making you shiver at the speed of this gesture, his eyes sparkling like the sky just decided to reverse itself in them "Y-You went against an hyd–" "Th-Then! What about her!?" the words of the blond leader were swiftly cut by Shuro, who immediately grabbed his arm, eager to know the state of the girl of his dreams.
However not even a second and his vision went black for a while, before he knew it his body gave out, falling to the ground like a sack of potatoes "Young master!" called out Maizuru in an extremely worried tone. "For goodness sake, you have to eat properly and get some rest! Your body wont hold much longer if you keep this up. . ." She sighed, helping her leader up. Laios' eyes softened, finally understanding why his friend looked so poorly take care of "You were pushing yourself that hard!? You should get some food and rest. . ."
"I dont have the time to waste on that"
Ohhh damn. Laios won't like that and neither will Senshi. In fact your leader's golden eyes immediately narrowed, taking on a more serious look "Shuro, eating isn't just something you do when you have time. Getting sleep and eating food. . .that's what all living things need to do before they can finally accomplish what they want to do" then, like always, he showed off his signature smile "Have something to eat, okay? And while you do that, I can tell you about everything that happened"
Toshiro considered his words before letting out a long sigh, giving in "All right. . .I understand. . ." for the first time you saw the samurai smile as he turned towards one of his members "Can you prepare something. . .Maizuru?" At his words the ninja's cheeks turned red from absolutely joy as her eyes shined like diamonds. Oh! What a divine sound, what heavenly words. Finally! Her young master finally is going to take care of himself! "It's time for food then! Let's pepare the meal!
"Tade, go fetch some water!"
"Hien and Benichidori prepare the rice for cooking!"
"Asebi you can. . ."
"Go and protect the young master. I wouldn't want anything strange to get into the food"
". . ."

Pickle for your thoughts? (Dungeon meshi x reader)
Action"Alright you dumb door!" Backing away you took a big breath "You better take me to the surface-" You declared, pushing it open with both hands "Or im gonna pulverize you!" Before jumping inside the room hoping that this time it hadn't regurgitated y...