Chapter 33

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Memorie's P.O.V.

"Is everything set Derrick?"

"Yes. We're all set. You at the airport?"

"Yeah. I'm waiting for his flight to land. God I'm so nervous!"

"Relax sis, he's coming home. Nothing else is happening."

"Nothin else? Derrick do you have amnesia or something?! There's a wedding in three months."

"Oh, right. Sorry." I heard a loud crash through the phone and I'm hoping they didn't break something, dad would be mad. "Uh, I gotta go. Alex dropped a vase and he can't clean it up."

"And why's that?"

"He's holding Maybelle."

"Flight 376 is now landing."

"He's here! I'll call you back!" I hung up before Derrick could've answered back.

Mahomies were crowding from where Austin was coming from. I stood far away, but where I could still see him.

Screaming and yelling grew louder and that meant he's here.

He's back home!

The fans were making space for him to walk by. And when his eyes met mine, he dropped everything and ran up to me.

I ran as fast as I could and jump on him. I hugged him so tight, he didn't feel bothered. "I missed you Austin." I mumbled.

"I missed you too baby girl." He gave me a long passionate kiss and looked me in the eyes. "In just three months away, you'll be Mrs. Mahone."

I get off of him and hug Robert as well. "Missed ya Robert."

"Same goes to you."

"Hey where are the kids?" Austin asked looking around.

"Oh, they're with Alex, Derrick, and Zach. We should go, I have a feeling they broke some things." Austin grabbed his bags and we all walked out of the airport.

I never let go of Austin's throughout the whole ride.

I missed him being by my side, his kisses, his smile, damn everything about him I missed so much. "What are you looking at babe?"

"You. I just missed you so much. Even the kids."

"I missed you all too. Now that my tour is over, we could relax."

I smiled and lay my head on his shoulder. I'm glad he's back home.

I know it's been a couple of months since he was on tour but they were really long months.

And I just hope nothing goes wrong on the big day.

Austin's P.O.V.

I'm glad to be home with my family. And so psyched for our wedding. She'll be Mrs. Mahone anytime soon.

I rest my head onto Memorie's shoulder and kiss her hand. I feel her smile and mess around with her fingers. "I never noticed your fingers are so tiny."

Memorie playfully smacks my head and I laugh. "You're so mean Austin."

"Hey! They're adorable. I love them." I say to her.

"Sure okay. Anything exciting happened while on tour?"

"Met some amazing fans, wrote new music, and did really interesting interviews." I chuckle.

"No trouble on tour?" She asks.

"No. Everything was great. Why?"

"I'm just asking. I want to know what you've been doing. Can I not ask?"

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