Chapter 19

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Memerie's P.O.V.

As soon as I called Alex, the ambulance were in their way. Austin wouldn't stop throwing up blood. "Austin, please stay awake." Alex came and saw Austin. I felt something all of a sudden behind his head. Blood. I started to freak out and Alex was helping me. Ambulance came five minutes later and paramedics took Austin. Alex helped me up and drove to the hospital.

I dialed Michele and she answered on the second ring. "Memorie? Is everything okay?"

"Austin. Hurt."

"What? Is he okay?"

"Austin got hurt. His hand got stuck on the swing and he was going to jump. He hit his head on the pole. Started bleeding in back of his head. Thrown up blood." I couldn't even finish my sentences. Why did Austin do this?

"I'm on my way to the hospital. Meet you there in thirty." She hangs up and I start sobbing. Alex rubbed my back and told me everything is going to be okay.

"Let's go." We hopped out of the car at the same time the paramedics took out Austin. We followed them until a nurse stopped us.

"You can't go in there, sweetie."

"Austin!" Alex held me back until we didn't see Austin in the hallways. I walked away into the lobby. I sat down and put my head in my hands. I felt someone sit down next to me.

"Honey, Austin is going to be okay. He's a string boy."

"I know Michele. But that hit shouldn't have made him bleed that much. Something wasn't right."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, I saw someone in the airport looking at both of us. And when they bumped into Austin, they did something."

"Like what?"

"He had a drink in his hand. They poured something in it, I think. Austin drank and once we went home, he kept coughing and looked pale. And when we went to the park, he looked like he was going to pass out anytime. And that's when he hit himself on the pole, when he was going to jump. He fainted as soon as he jumped."

"Oh my gosh! I saw that!" Alex said.

"I knew who it was."

"And here I am." I turn around and there he was. Standing three feet away from us. I stood up and backed away.

"Stay away from me." I warned.

"Oh, why would I do that? I threatened Austin about you two and your baby."

"Nothing will happen between us. Now, get away from me and my friends."

"Are you worried about Austin? He might die." The last words made me walk up to him and slap and kick him.

"He's not. Going. To. Die! YOU ARE!" I choked him and before he could stop breathing, Alex picked me up and carried me away from him. He sat me down and warned Justin.

"Stay away from her."

"Or what?"

"I'll call the cops." He put his hands up and walked away.

"Just telling you. You and Austin, aren't safe." He left the hospital and I started to cry. Alex came and bent done next to me.

"Don't listen to him. He's just trying to scare you. You and Austin will be safe. You have us."


After hours and hours of waiting to hear about Austin, My dad came and so did Jasmine, Robert, Zach, and Derrick. "Anything about Austin?" My dad asks.

"Not yet."

"Parents of Austin Mahone?" Michele stood up along with all of us and the doctor walked up to us.

"Is my son okay?"

"Your son is okay. Did he feel sick or anything yesterday?"

"Yes, why?"

"Someone has poisoned him, they put something in his drink or food and luckily he didn't die."

"Thank god. Can we see him?" I ask.

"Yes you can. I think he's awake. He is in room 245." We all went and once we were in front of his door, they looked at me.

"Just give me five minutes. I won't take long." I opened the door and I see Austin resting. He heard the door close and he woke up.

"Hey baby. Where's everyone?"

"Hey Austin. They're all outside. I'm glad you're okay." I sat on the chair next to him and held his hand.

"Me too."

"I saw him."


"Justin. He was in the lobby. Telling me how you and me aren't safe. And that we'll lose the baby." A tear slid down and Austin wiped it away.

"We'll be safe. Especially our baby. Nothing will come between us." I kiss his cheek and he smiles. We heard the door open and everyone saw us.

"Austin I'm glad you're okay!" Michele said.

"We thought we lost you. Doctor said you lost a lot of blood."


"You were throwing up blood and you were bleeding from your head." Robert said.

"Wow. Hey, when am I getting out?"

"In three or two days." I said.

"Oh great. Jeez, my head hurts so much."

"Yeah, Doctor James said it'll hurt for awhile."

"Okay. Well, I'm going to sleep. Still not feeling good."

"We'll head out. Feel better Mahone." Alex said. They all walked out and I stayed behind.

"Go home, babe. You need rest."


"No buts, I'll stay. Go home and rest." Michele said. I didn't bother to argue. I kissed Austin and hugged Michele. Austin rubbed my belly and smiled.

"I'll see you in a couple of months." I chuckled and smile.

"I'll see you tomorrow." I walked out and I see my dad waiting. Hope Austin is right. The baby will be safe.


Hey guys! First off, I would like to say thank you for 500+ reads and 37 votes! It's amazing! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Anyways, what will happen to Memorie's baby? Will Austin protect her and the baby? Find out later! Peace! ✌️

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