Chapter 17

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Austin's P.O.V.

I'm going to be a father! I just can't believe it! When Memorie told me the news, I couldn't stop smiling. When she told me, she looked so worried for my response. Alex has helped her those two months I was gone, which I thank him and Derrick. Once we got home, we all went into the living room to watch a movie. "What movie are we watching?" Alex asks.

"How about Godzilla!" Zach and Robert yell out. It didn't matter to me what movie to watch.

"Yeah, we could watch it." Memorie said. We all sat down while Robert set up the movie. 45 minutes into the movie, Memorie wasn't feeling good.

"You okay, baby?" She waves her hands at me saying she's fine. I moved her closer to my chest because she kept shivering. Once the movie finished, Memorie fell asleep on me. I carried her bridal style into my room. I set her down and I went to go get change. I finished changing and I didn't see Memorie on my bed.

"Memorie?" I heard a groan and she was on my couch. I smile to myself and help her up.

"No, Austin. I'm fine sleeping here."

"Nope, I want you to sleep with me tonight." She didn't bother to argue right now. I set her down lightly and I went to the other side of the bed and lay down next to her.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4 weeks later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Memorie, are you sure you're okay?" I ask really worried. She hasn't been feeling good the day we left the concert. She kept having fevers, headaches, and she even throws up almost every ten minutes.

"I'm fine. It's the...the pregnancy thingy." She said curling up into a ball.

"I want to take you to the doctors for a checkup. Let's go."

"No, Austin! I said I'm fine! God, can't you see I just need some rest?!" Alex came in here running and saw her.

"Mems, we are all worried about you! We want you healthy with the baby! Our baby!" I said. Alex took me outside the room to make me calm down.

"Austin, if you want her and your baby healthy, stay calm around her. Who knows what will happen."

"AC, I want her to be check, it's not right for her to have these things happening to her."

"Fine, call a doctor and tell him to come over." I dialed a doctor that was near where we lived. After having a five to ten minute talk with him, he'll be here any minute.

I heard yelling in the room and once I entered, Memorie was arguing with Alex about something. "Alex, I can't take it! I just can't! I feel like crap!"

"Shhh, baby. It's okay."

"No it's not Austin! I don't feel good! I haven't been feeling good the past three weeks!"

"Don't yell Mems." Alex said. We heard a knock on the door and it was the doctor.

"Can I be alone with Ms. Johnson?" He asked. We stepped out and let the doctor talk to Memorie.

"Austin, you and Memorie are now fighting so much. Why?"

"I don't know. We're just...I don't know. I'm gonna go take a walk."

"Okay." I went downstairs and closed the door behind me and began my walk. I was thinking about what Alex was saying; 'You and Memorie are now fighting so much.' And that's what I kept thinking. Why are me and Memorie starting to fight? How did this happen? Why are we doing this? When did it happen? All these arguments. Everything? What does it all mean? After a thirty minute walk, I got a text from Alex saying the doctor has told him everything. I turned back and went home.

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