Chapter 30

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Memorie's P.O.V.

I woke up to the sound of the kids crying. I get out of bed until Austin stopped me. "I'm going to check on the kids Austin."

"No. I will." He mumbled pulling me back into bed. He gets up and goes to the kids' room.

Austin insisted on staying tonight with me and the kids. I'm only staying for a couple of days with dad because Austin found a place for us not too far from here. He thought it was best if we bought a place.

I get up and go to the room. I stop at the doorway and I hear Austin singing to them. "I could love you more than this...." He was singing my favorite song from One Direction. "Go to sleep kids. Momma and dad need sleep." I chuckle quietly and go downstairs for a drink.

I pour a glass of water and go out to the back yard. I sit on the porch and let the cold breeze hit me. I start thinking about the wedding happening in a couple of months. I'm so nervous. I don't want anything happening on that day, or anything before the big day. "You okay, Mems?"

"Yeah, just thinking." I said. He sits down next to me and I lay my head on his shoulder.

"In three months will be our big day. You nervous?"

"To be honest, yes. You?"

"Oh! Completely nervous." He said.


"I'm scared that you'll say something unexpected."

"Like say no and run out?" He stays silent and I look at him. "Austin, I would never do that. I love you so much to do that to you. If I never loved you, I would've stop the whole wedding by now. But I didn't, you know why?"


"Because I love you. You've been the only guy treating me the way I'm supposed to be treated." I finished. He faces me and even in the dark, I could see his hazel eyes shine so bright like the moon. I peck his lips and feel his smile. "Now can we go to sleep? It's like three in the morning and you have to get ready to finish off your tour."

"Will you be okay, with the kids?" He asks worried. I rub his shoulder and caress his cheek.

"I will. I have Alex and Derrick. No worries."

In the morning-

"You sure Memorie? I could call off the the tour for this year and-"

"Austin," I sigh, "for the tenth time, I'll be fine. Alex wouldn't leave my side that's for sure." I look at where Alex was holding Tyler. He sees us and smiles.

"Okay. But let me say goodbye to our kids." I let him say goodbye to Maybelle and Tyler where Alex was

"I'll be back in a couple of weeks young boy and little girl. Be nice to mommy and let her sleep. Okay?" I smile and hold onto Tyler. "Okay. I'll see you in 2 months Mems. I love you."

"Love you too."

A couple weeks later-

"Alex! Where are you?"

"In the kitchen! Tyler! Please stop throwing your food!" I walk in there holding Maybelle. I saw Alex picking up the food Tyler has been throwing. I laugh and set Maybelle on her high chair while I helped Alex pick up the food.

"I didn't know this would be hard! How could you handle it?" Alex said.

"I really don't know. I just picked it up I guess."

"You're an amazing mom and girlfriend. Austin chose the right girl."

"Thanks Alex. And don't worry, you'll find someone you'll love so much. Alright time for these kiddos to take a nap. So does mommy and uncle Alex." We take the kids up to their room and then go to my room. Alex lays down next to me and we both pass out for the day.

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