Chapter 34

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A couple months later-

Today's the day. The day Memorie officially becomes my wife. I'm so nervous. I can't even speak right now this is all too much.

"Mahone get dressed already! Your wedding is in four hours." Alex said.

"Shut up, don't you think I know that?! I'm a mess right now, I'm freaking out dude!"

"Austin calm down, you're marrying my best friend. For all I know she's definitely going to say hell yeah."

I chuckle and tried to put on my suit. "I just can't wait to call her all mine."

"I'm really happy for you Austin. You really deserve her and she deserves you."

"Thanks Alex. You know, someday you're going to look for someone special too. Don't worry."

"I know, they're saving a special girl for me."

"Okay, help me put on this bow tie." Alex gets up and comes into my bathroom to help.

"Damn Austin, for sure Memorie picked the right guy."

"Shut the hell up and help me please." I laugh.

Memorie's P.O.V.

You're gonna be fine. Don't be nervous.

"Mems!" I gasp loudly and fall off my bed.

"Dammit! Don't do that Derek!"

"My bad- damn sis you look really beautiful."

"Shut up, you're lying." I say fixing my hair.

"I'm serious Mem, you look stunning. Austin is going to have the luckiest wife in the universe." I roll my eyes and sit on my bed.

"Do you- do you think mom's happy for me? T-that I found someone that loves me, other than you and dad?"

"Of course. She's proud that you are happy now. She's just glad you're safe with great friends, family, and soon to be husband."

"Thanks Derek, I really needed to hear that." I hug him and tried not to cry.

"Don't cry baby sis, you'll ruin your make up."

"Trying not to haha. Well, it's 4. It's time." I say breathing heavily.

"Shall we go?" He said. I hook my arm around his and we walked out the door.

Austin's P.O.V.

Okay, you can do this, you can do this.

I walk into the church and see everyone is really excited for this day.

So am I.

I greeted some people and walked up to the aisle. "Austin, I'm so happy you found someone as special as Memorie."

"Thanks mom, I'm really nervous. Will she say yes? Will she walk through that door?"

"Sweetie, calm down, she will come down that aisle and she will say yes. I mean, you both have kids for god sake. Don't let your nerve get to you." She kisses my cheek and I smile.

I smile at the priest and tap my feet on the ground. "Son, relax. She'll come. Only a few more minutes and we shall start."

"I'm a 20 year old boy trying so hard not to scream because I'm marrying the love of my life." I chuckle.

The music started playing and everyone rose from their seats and I faced the priest.

Oh damn, I'm not ready.

I hear the doors open and I slowly began to turn around.

I am in tears. Memorie looks stunning. I can't keep my eyes off of her. I'm am really lucky to have her.

Alex pats my shoulder and I wipe a tear away. "You are definitely lucky Austin." I nod and I look at my own feet.

I feel like a school boy, gosh.

Memorie's P.O.V

I couldn't believe I'm actually doing this. Walking down the aisle and seeing Austin crying in the altar made me emotional.

He looks so handsome, I'm really lucky to have him in my life. I look down at the floor and laugh lightly.

My dad stops and kisses my forehead. "I love you dad."

"Love you too Memorie." He looks at Austin and pats his back, "take care of my baby."

"I will sir." He steps out of the altar and sits next to Austin's mom.

I look at him and all I see is his beautiful smile. I wipe away his tear and I fix his cute little bow tie.

"We are gathered here today for a great ceremony of Austin Mahone and Memorie Johnson.."


"Do you Austin, take Memorie as your wedded wife till death you two apart?"

"I certainly do!" The whole church was filled with laughter.

"Do you Memorie, take Austin as your wedded husband till death you two apart?"

"I do, a thousand times!"

"Well, on my behalf, Austin Mahone, you may kiss the bride."

"Gosh I've been waiting for that." We both lean in and kissed like we never did before.

I could feel passion and love. I'm so happy to call him my husband.

I'm safe with him till death to us apart.


Thank you guys for putting up with my late updates and confusing chapters. Like I said this is my first book I've ever written and I'm a work in progress.

I will be editing this book to make it better lol. But yeah thank you guys for reading this and feel free to read my other books too!!

I love you all so much and follow my Instagram too! @lcelxste :)

Comment below if I should do character q&a 😁

Okay I'm done byeee!! 💓💓💓

Reality is Real (re-editing)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin