Chapter 27

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Austin's P.O.V.

It's been three months since I talked to Memorie and now I'm suspicious. I get up from my bed and grab my phone and text her...again.

*Hey baby. Are you okay?*


15 minutes pass by and still no answer. I check my phone and it said she read it. Why won't she reply? Since I know she won't answer, I call Alex. Two rings...three... "Hello?"

"AC! Thank god you answered your phone. Are with Memorie?"

"Uhh, no I'm actually heading there. Why?"

"Its because she hasn't answered my calls nor texts. And I have big news."

"What's the big news?"

"I'm going home early."

"Really?! That's great bro!"

"And I have news for you.."

"What's that?"

"How would you like to be my best man?" I heard him drop his phone and i thought he hung up. "Alex?"

"Y-you serious? Me? Best man?"

"Well, yeah. I chose you because you helped me and Memorie get together. And I want you to be my best man."

"Wow. Thanks man. You don't know how much that means to me."

"I think I do know." He chuckles and we stay silent.


"What? Is Memorie home?"


"Derrick? Is everything alright?"


"What about her? Is she okay?"

"She's at the hospital." I hear him say something to Alex.

"Where are you?"

"I'm in Europe. I don't think I can make it. If I leave now, I think I can be there-"

"Please come. Memorie needs you."

I'll be there in 5 or 8 hours." I hang up and pack up some stuff of mine. Robert comes in and looks confused.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Packing. Flying back to Texas."


"I think Memorie is going into labor."


Cliffhanger agh!!! I know it's short guys but I want to save the rest for next chapter 😉

I know I promised an update quick but I started basketball and I have practice everyday😫 but the good part is that I'm TEAM CAPTAIN YAS😊

So back to the story...What's going to happen next? Good things or bad things? I'm so anxious for the next part! Lol😂

please please PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT! I might finish this book in the middle of November. No.. Should I make a sequel or not? Comment below if yes👇I'll update as soon as I can. No promises. Peace✌️


Reality is Real (re-editing)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat