Chapter 26

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Austin's P.O.V.

It's been almost a month away from Memorie and it's killing me not being there. I try to reach her but it goes straight to voicemail. Every time she calls me, I'm usually in the studio or performing. And it sucks. "Austin, Rocco wants to talk to you."

"Is it serious? Like about the paparazzi?" Robert shrugs and walks out of my room. I set my phone down and go into Rocco's room. I knock and he answered right away.

"Austin. I have some news." He said concerned.

"What is it? Is it about the tour??"

"Yes and no. There is a rumor spreading out."

"What's the rumor about?"

"You, Becky, Camila, and Memorie." No, what are they saying now?

"What about them?"

"Paparazzi are saying you are dating all three girls. And mostly using Memorie."

"That's just fucking stupid! Why would I do that to her?! She my girlfriend! Fiancé for crying out loud!"

"Calm down, Austin. You have an interview in about two hours. Get ready." I nod and head back to my room.

I close the door and Robert stood up quickly from the couch. "You heard?"

"Yeah. I just...Why would they say that Robert? I love Memorie. I would never use her."

"We all know you won't do that to her. Paparazzi just want gossip. Fake rumors to make each couple feel horrible."

"That's it." I grab my phone and dial Memorie.

"What are you doing?"

"FaceTime Memorie. I need to explain all of this crap.." Three rings went by and Alex answers. "Alex, I need to talk to Memorie. Is she there?"

"Yeah, but she doesn't want to talk right now."

"It's important. It's about-"

"The rumors. She knows."

"Please AC. Let me talk to her." He hesitates to answer but hands Memorie her phone.

She has the screen facing away from her face and I frown. "Babe? You there? Please talk to me."

"About what Austin? Is it true? You're using me?" She choked out.

"It's not true baby. I promise you. I'm not dating Becky nor Camila. You're my only girl in the world."

"What if you're lying Austin? What if you're just saying that to make me not worry about what's going on when I'm not there?"

"Memorie I-"

"Austin, please tell me the truth. Are you using me Are you doing this for fame?"

"Memorie, I'm not using you for fame. Trust me please. I would never do that to you. I love you with all my heart and our children." She faces the camera and I get to see her beautiful face.

"I have to go Austin. Doctor's appointment." She sighs. My smile fades away and I look down. Is she trying to avoid me?

"Are you okay? I could cancel the tour and go-"

"No, Austin. Finish your tour. I'm fine. I love you. Call you later."

"Be careful, baby. I love you." She smiles and I hang up. I throw my phone on the floor and scream.

"What happened Austin? What did she say?"

"She doesn't believe me. I think she's trying to avoid me." I look up at Robert and he pats my back.

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