Chapter 28

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Austin's P.O.V.

I ran through the airport trying to reach my flight. I dodged lots of paparazzi and mahomies. Robert and I got stuck in a line for our trip back to Texas. I was tapping my foot away and kept looking at the clock. 'C'mon!' I thought.

"Calm down Austin. We'll make it."

"How can we? Look at this line! I need to see her right away! For crying out loud, my kids are being born!"

"I know it's stressful. Just take a deep breath and relax. We still got time." I groan and run my free hand through my hair.

About and hour waiting in line, we finally made it. We both walk into the plane and I realized I had to call Alex. "Austin? Aren't you on the plane?"

"It hasn't left yet. How's Memorie?" I heard yelling in the background and it was probably Memorie.

"Does that answer your question? When are you going to be here?" He asks like a five year old.

"In a couple of hours. I gotta go. Tell Memorie to relax and I'll be there soon." Alex hangs up just as soon the plane takes off. Hope I make it on time.

Memorie's P.O.V.

"Where the hell is he?!" I yell.

"He's on his way here. Just relax, Memo."

"How the fuck can I do that?! I'm about to have my children!" I screamed in pain.

"Sis, just breathe in and out slowly. Don't think about Austin coming yet." I nod to Derrick. I can't believe my children are being born! I just imagine our children looking so much like Austin. With the cute hazel eyes, brown hair, it's just going to be amazing!

"Where the hell is he?!"

Austin's P.O.V.

Everyone was asleep and I was the only one awake. 4 more hours until I go home and see the birth of my children. I look out the window and think of Memorie. I can't wait to marry my best girl. All the memories we had together were the best. I will also be seeing my children grow big and athletic just like Memorie and I.

"Still can't sleep?" Robert asked.

"No. But don't worry. I'm calm now." I said looking at my phone.

"She's fine. Her brother and our best friends are there watching her. Get some sleep. We're almost there."

I sigh and agree with Robert. I should get some sleep. Which I know I won't. I check my phone for any news on Memorie. Nothing yet. I run my hands through my hair and sigh. Just stay calm. Stay calm.

Alex's P.O.V.

I was outside the room Memorie was in and it was so loud in there, you could hear we yelling from across town. Derrick and her dad were in there with her.

I was on my phone looking at twitter. No one knows that Memorie is delivering her babies today. And I'm not sure if Austin wants them to know yet.

Probably this will be he toughest time of their lives. With their children coming, the wedding in a couple of months, and Austin's tour. This will be a tough life for them.

Derrick comes out of the room and sits down next to me. "What happened?" I asked.

"You know, Memorie getting impatient and dad trying not to faint."

"Oh. Well, Robert texted me saying they will be here in 4 hours."

"That's good."

We sit there in silence until my phone rings. It was Austin. "Hey, what's up? You here?"

"You're in luck man. I just got here. Robert and I are on our way."

"When will you get here, cause Memorie is bawling her eyes out." I heard Austin cuss and some shuffling.

"Sorry I dropped my phone. Uh, we'll be there in like 15 minutes."

"Alright Austin. We'll see you see you then." I hang up and Derrick gives me a concern look and I smile. "He said he'll be here in 15 minutes."

"Should I tell Memorie?" I nod and we both enter the room. Her screams got louder and louder once we got there.

"Honey, we need you to push."

"I'm not fucking pushing anything until my fiancé gets here!" I go to the side of the bed and put my hand on her shoulder. She looks at me softly and asks,

"Is he almost here?"

"You're lucky his flight got here early. He's coming in 15 minutes." She sighs in relief, but then goes back to screaming again. "I'll wait for him outside the room." I told Mr. Johnson. He nods and I leave the room.

Austin's P.O.V.

We made it to the hospital where Memorie was at and I rushed in the lobby. Crap! I don't know what floor he's in! I go to the front desk and ask the lady. "Excuse me, but do you know what room Memorie Johnson is in?" She looks through her papers and looks up at me.

"Room 512, sir." I thank her and Robert and I rush to the elevator.

Once we got there, we run down the hallway until we see Alex. "AC!" He looks at me and smiles. When we got close to him he patted my back and opened the door.

"Good luck man!" I walk in and I see Memorie in pain. she sees me and offers me her free hand.

"Thank god you're here!" I kiss her forehead and remove her hair from her face.

"So am I. You ready?" She nods slowly and looks at the doctor.

"Okay we them. I need you to push." She squeezes my hand and pushes.
"Again. We see your first child." Again, she pushes. I think my hand is gone. She is a strong girl. We both hear a crying baby and it was our boy.

"Okay, we need you to push one more time. She's almost out."

"Come on baby. You can do this." She pushes one lay time and we hear another baby cry.

We put both of our heads together and smile. I peck her lips and the doctor hands Memorie both the babies. "Aren't they beautiful Austin?"

"Yes they are. Just like you."

"Do you want to hold our daughter?"

"Of course I do." The nurse hand me out daughter and I smile. She is so stunning. She has the nose of Memorie, and ears. She wraps her hand around my finger and squeezes hard. She is also strong like Memorie. I kiss her forehead and a smile appear on her face. "She smiled at me!" I said. Memorie laughs and I hand our daughter to Memorie.

I hold onto our next child. He is also stunning. He has my nose, and skin tone. He pulls my finger towards his chest and hangs onto it. "So cute." I whisper to myself.

Everyone walks in and started congratulating us. The guys took turns holding our children and Memorie and I watched them laugh and smile. Not until Alex breaks it. "What did you name them?"

We both smile wide and she says, "Maybelle Marie Mahone."

"And Tyler Carter Mahone."


Made it extra long for you guys!!
Update!!! I'm so sorry I didn't update quick enough! I had family problems and my mom took my phone away🙈But I got it back!

And no, this is not the end. It'll probably have 5 or more chapters left of it. I want you guys to read about their wedding.

And one more thing....

Since I'm having Christmas break, I'll update faster now. I won't update in Sundays due to my quinceñiera practice.

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Please comment and tell me what you think about my book👍👎🙏


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