Chapter 8

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Memorie's P.O.V.

Befoe he could've finished, I passed out.


"Memorie! Please wake up!" I heard someone's voice. But I don't know who it was.

"Mems, are you okay?" That voice I remember. It was Austin's voice. I slowly blink and I see bright lights. I squint and I see Alex and Austin helping me up.

"Wh-what happened?" I asked while rubbing my eyes to wake up.

"You passed out." Alex said giving me and ice pack for my head. Then I remember, Jasmine stopped breathing. I started to cry again.

"Mems, its okay. They doctors are seeing why Jasmine stopped breathing. They say it won't take long." Tyler said.

I started to hyperventilate. My breathing was heavy, I was wheezing. Everything!

"Did you bring your backpack?" Alex said. I pointed where my backpack was and he ran towards it.

"Here. Take it." I grabbed my inhaler and took it. I was still wheezing and I looked at Austin.

"Look at me, babe. Breathe in and out. Slowly. Look straight at me."

I look straight into his eyes and I see fear in them. Why is he scared? Is he worried about me?

I take my inhaler one more time and the wheezing was going away. Alex brought me a glass of water.

"Thanks." I said.

"Promise me you won't do that again. You scared me to death." Austin said while hugging me. I was right. He was worried about me.

"Promise." The doctor came back with results about Jasmine.

"Is she alright doc?" Mrs. Valenzuela said.

"We found out about her breathing problem."

"What happened?" Robert asked.

"She had two tubes stuck and those tubes were where the oxygen goes through. And.... One lung wasn't functioning. But we made it function again. Everything's back to normal."

"Oh my god! Than you doc!" Alex said.

"No problem. You may now see her. If you would like too." Everyone were walking to her room expect me.

"You coming?" Austin said.

"I'll catch up with you guys later. I need to take fresh air."

"Okay. Be careful."

"I will." Once they all left, I walked to the lady at the front desk.

"Hey Pam. How are ya?"

I knew Pam since the day My mom died. She said my mom was a nurse and they were like best friends until my mom passed away.

"I'm doing good Memorie. How 'bout you? You okay? I saw you pass out."

I'm doing okay. Other than fainting, I'm okay."

"Alright sweetie. How's your dad? Is he alright?"

"He's doing great. He's a hard worker."

"I've heard." She said looking at the papers on her desk.

"Is Derrick alright?"

"Still the same. He is still in coma, sweetie. If you want to visit him, he's in another room. 316."

"Thanks Pam. I'll talk to you later. Nice seeing you."

"Bye, sweetie."

I walked from the desk and I walk into the hallway. I pass Jasmine's room and head to room 316. My brothers room. I enter and I see him laying there. It's been 2 years since my brother was in coma.

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