Chapter 24

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Austin's P.O.V.

I can't believe I'm getting married to Memorie in a couple of months. And even more happy to be having twins. Can life get any better?

Today was the day before the tour, and it sucks being away from my family and friends. "Ready Austin?" My mom said. I nod and grab my luggage and other things. The Cew and Memorie will be waiting for me at the airport. I close the door behind me and head to my mom's car. I throw my stuff in the back and hop into the front. My mom starts the ignition and drives off the driveway onto the road. I put on my earphones and take a nap all the way to the airport.

"Austin? Austin, honey wake up."

"Hmm? No mom, I wanna sleep."

"We're here. And you're gonna be late to your flight." I rub my eyes and get out of the car slowly. I saw Alex and Robert carrying two of my bags. I grabbed my last bag and went inside the airport. I looked around and barely noticed it was 5 in the morning. I sigh and tried to look for Memorie. I followed Alex and Robert to where I think everyone was at. "Just so you know, she might be asleep. Wake her up slowly." Alex said. I laugh and nod.

"I'll be careful, AC. Where is she?"

"She's over there. Next to Derrick." I nod and start walking the direction to where Memorie was at. I set my bag down on a seat and sit next to Memorie. Even when she's asleep, she looks beautiful. I see her shuffle in her seat and snore lightly. I play with her long, brown, wavy hair and look at her.

"Stop it Derrick." She mumbled. She moved and rubbed her eyes and yawned. She lays on my laps and gets comfy. "Is Austin here yet?"

"I'm here, babe." She wakes up noticing me and laughs.

"Did I just call you Derrick?"

"Yeah haha. You snore."

"I know I do." She groans.

"Your snores are cute. I like them." She pushes me back and stands up to stretch.

"What time does your flight leave?"

"Around six."

"I don't want you to leave me alone with these dweebs."

"Hey!" Alex, Zach, and Derrick say. I laugh and look back at Memorie.

"It's okay. These guys will protect you while I'm gone. Have you slept all night?"

"No. Jasmine kept calling me."

"Why? I've never really understood why they broke up."

"She used him. It was a 'dare' she said." She whispered.

"That's stupid. Why would she do that? He's an innocent boy looking for love." She laughs and wraps her arms around my waist and rests her head on my chest.

"I feel really sorry for him. He doesn't deserve this."

"I know baby. We should help him. Like, he helped us." She looks up at me and smiles big.

"We should."

"Flight 245 to Miami, Florida will be boarding in ten minutes." Said the man in the intercom. I sigh and grab my bags. We all walk to the gates and stop.

"I'll see you guys in eight months." I did a bro handshake with the guys and hugged my mom.

Last person was Memorie. This is going to be hard. I don't want to leave her. And missing my twins birth. "Austin I'm really going to miss you."

"Me too most of all."

"Will you be able to make it to our childrens' birth?"

"I'll try. I promise."

"I don't want to say goodbye." She tears up. I hug her and try to calm her down.

"Hey, hey. Look at me. This isn't goodbye. I tell you that." I kiss her lips and pick up my bag from the floor. Robert carries my other bag and walk to the gate. I stop one more time and go back to Memorie.

I hug her one more time and try to hold in my tears. "I love you. Never forget that."

"I love you too." She kisses my cheek and it was time for me to leave. I wave to everyone and hop onto the plane. I put Robert's and my bags in the cabinet things and sit down. I rest my head on the seat and look out the window. I could see the inside of the airport and I see Memorie wiping her tears away.

I take out my phone and take a picture of her. I send it to her on snapchat. I smile and Robert just nods his head. "You're really weird Austin."

"Well excuse me. I want a picture if my girlfriend. Did you talk to Jasmine?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Why did as do the dare to Alex? It doesn't seem right to just play him."

"Jasmine never really liked Alex in the beginning. Until she started 'dating' him, she felt feelings for him. But she forgot all about the dare until two months ago."

"Wow. So she really loved Alex?"

"Yeah. Now she doesn't know if she does. Let me ask you this Austin; what if Memorie thinks you're using her? Will you explain to her the truth? Or let it slide?"

"Robert, Memorie knows I don't play her. If she thinks that, I'll tell her it's not true and tell her to come talk to me about stupid rumors."

"Have you told her about Becky?" I shut my mouth and looked at my phone.

"She doesn't need to know. Plus, I'm marrying Memorie. Which means, I want her in my life. Not Becky. She's just a friend. We're not even dating."

"Paparazzi took pictures of you and Becky two days ago. Laughing, talking, going to lunch together."

"Look Robert. I'm not dating Becky. We had to meet up because she's opening up my concert. That's it."

"I understand that. But what if Memorie thinks you're cheating on her? What will you do? When you're thousands of miles away from her?"

"I don't know Robert. I don't know." Robert's right. What if she thinks I'm cheating on her? What if she thinks I used her and ready to leave her?

This was just the beginning.


Hey guys! I updated!!👍👌

I am so sorry for not updating! I am actually busy with band and basketball is coming up.

And I actually found a partner for my cousin's quince! He's my best friend and he has the most amazing eyes! Like omfg!😍👌

Anyways, THANK YOU GUYS FOR 1.33k'!! That's fucking AMAZING! THANK YOU ALL! ❤️

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Oh and btw, I will start updating a little faster this time. Promise. Peace!✌️


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