Chapter 18

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Memorie's P.O.V.

We were on our way home and I kept hearing Alex and Austin blabbing about something. Back flip or something. I stood up and went to the bathroom. After I finished my business, I grabbed two Advil's and swallowed them. I stayed in the bathroom for five minutes and I stepped out and heard Alex and Austin talking about something else.

"What if she says no? I'm nervous!"

"Why you worried? You'll be asking her next week."

"Asking me what?"

"About us going to the doctor for a check up on our baby. Do you want to know the sex or do you want to be surprised?"

"I want to know the sex. Did you make an appointment? I was about to anyways."

"I'm about to." He kissed my cheek and I smiled. I took a nap on Austin's lap and waited until we landed in San Antonio. I heard Alex calling my name. I woke up and I saw that Austin had my luggage and I realized we made it to San Antonio. I checked my phone and it was noon. We got off the plane and waited for Michele.

"Where's your mom? Is she here?"

"She's waiting outside. Let's go." As we were walking, I heard my name being called out. I turn around and I see the person and I never wanted to see. Austin noticed and he grabbed my hand and we walked faster. We lost him in the crowd and I was relieved. But I was still scared. We saw Michele and she ran up to me and hugged me tight.

"Memorie! I haven't seen you in awhile!"

"Same to you, Michele. Austin and I have some news." Her smile faded and looked at Austin.

"I swear if Austin did anything to you I will-"

"He didn't do anything. We are still together. It's just that-" I looked at my stomach and she notices. She smiles big and touches my stomach.

"How long?! Congratulations! I'm proud of you! Surprised but proud."

"Three months and thank you."

"Oh my gosh! I'm going to be a grandma! Let's go home. You look tired. I've been there with him." I smile and look at Austin. His cheeks were red. We hopped in and I fell asleep throughout the whole ride. I felt Austin pick me up bridal style and snuggled into his chest. He went up to his room and I started to have this huge headache and Austin left. After ten minutes passed, Austin came back with painkillers. I thanked him and I rested my head into the pillow. Austin wrapped his arms around me and scooted closer to me.

"Go and have fun, Austin. I'm fine. You haven't hung out with the crew. Go."

"But what if I don't wanna have fun? What if I wanna be with you?"

"Fine, you can stay." He cheered like a kid and I smiled to myself. We stayed silent for an hour until I heard Robert yell out for Austin. He stood up and left to go see what he wanted. I fell asleep and I heard a crash downstairs. I woke up and ran downstairs. I saw Austin yelling at Alex.

"She doesn't need to know!"

"Austin, she's gonna find out sooner or later!"

"I don't want her to know! She'll think I'm in it too! Which I am not!"

"Austin, Justin could be anywhere! You talked to him back In Miami." And I guess Alex noticed me, Austin looked up and saw me tearing up. I ran to the bathroom and locked myself in. I heard Austin on the other and I just sat there, crying. I heard soft knocks and I knew it was Michele. I opened the door and she was standing there looking sad.

"What is Austin hiding from me?" I asked.

"He should be the one telling you." I went to his room and I see him there his head in his hands. I walk in and he sees me. He stands up and gets near me. I stopped and looked at him.

"Tell me what you are hiding."

"Memorie, I don't think-"


"Fine. When we were still in Miami, I saw Justin and some other chick. The came up to me and threatened me."

"What did they tell you? And how did the 'chick' look like?" I asked sternly.

"All they said was this isn't over. And that one day, we'll lose the child. I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want you to worry about Justin. And she had blonde hair, brown eyes, and her last name was Gracia." Christina fucking Gracia?! What the hell is she doing with Justin?! What are they planning?!

"I understand, Austin. But, please tell me if something is wrong. I don't want to fight like we did in Miami." I said walking to him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Want spaghetti? The crew and I made some. Don't worry, my mom helped us." I nodded and I went downstairs with him. They handed me a plate full of spaghetti and I dug in right away. Let me tell you, it was delicious! I finished my third plate of spaghetti and that's when I started to fall asleep. I went to the living room and fell asleep on the couch.

The next day, I woke up in Austin's bed at seven I the morning and Austin was next to me cuddling my teddy bear he gave me. I smiled and I fell back asleep. I woke up again and I as that I only slept two hours. Austin was on his phone rolling in his chair. I threw a pillow at him and he fell off of his chair. "You okay babe?"

"Yeah. Don't scare me like that!" I laughed and kissed his cheek.

"How long have you been awake?"

"An hour. I brought you food." I saw a plate full of chocolate chip pancakes and I started to dig in. Austin looked at me like I just ate a skunk.

"I'm a pregnant woman! Give me a break!" I said though each bite of pancakes.

"Have manners too." He mumbled. I rolled my eyes and I continued eating my pancakes. After eating them, I went to the bathroom to shower and change.

"Can I join? Ya know, to save water?" He winked.

"No you cannot, Mahone. Now, go away."

"I've seen you naked before! It shouldn't be a problem." I closed the door and took my shower. After I got out, I put on denim shorts, a 5 seconds of summer shirt, and my black hi tops. I then French braided my hair because I was to lazy to do anything else.

I stepped out of the shower and Austin's jaw opens wide. "Close your mouth, you'll catch a fly." I smirked.

"You look beautiful." I blushed and sat next to him on his bed. We lay down for fifteen minutes when he decided to go to the park. I grabbed my phone and off we went to the park.

Once we got there, being a kid at heart he is, he ran to the swings and waited for me. I made it and sat on the swing he saved me. He kept swinging when he had the idea to jumps off. "Don't do it Austin." He didn't listen and jumped off wrong. I gasped and ran to him. "Austin?!" He groaned and he was bleeding from his face. I called Alex and as soon as I called him, Austin spit out blood.


Cliffhanger! What happened to Austin? And guess who's back?! Michele, Justin and Christina! Haven't put them in awhile. This is a filler chapter? Everything will happen in the next chapter. Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thank you for 366 readers! And 21 votes! Thank you! Peace!✌️

-Litzy =>

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