Moment of Silence for Satoru Iwata...

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This chapter was written yesterday but I haven't gotten the chance to post it here until now, so here you go.

Alright, so, most of you have probably heard the news of this already. For those of you who haven't, I'm sorry to say this...

Satoru Iwata, the President and CEO of Nintendo, has passed away.

You may be thinking why am I making this pointless chapter for him. Well, I can give you a reason really. It's because I'm sad, to hear that Iwata has passed away, and I want to express my feelings out.

He passed away on July 11th, from what I've heard, from a type of cancer that I forgot what it was called, but it must've been bad.

Iwata was always there for us. He did the Directs and entertained us. He's done so much for Nintendo and for the fans. Trust me, there is so much you can read about what this man has done for Nintendo, it's honestly a miracle that some of the games were made because of him, and if it wasn't for him, there wouldn't be Mother, or Wind Waker, or even Super Smash Bros. Melee, or other Nintendo games out there.

This man has done miracles and great things for Nintendo these 13 years he's been with us. I haven't entirely been a Nintendo fan my whole life, it all came to me around last Summer, but going through this whole year of being with Nintendo, watching the Directs and such, it made me happy. Iwata was great at all of it, he was amazing. But... now he's gone.

When I heard the news of his death earlier today, I was in shock. I suddenly felt empty and really upset when I heard this. I never knew him in person, but I felt like he's just been there with every single one of us Nintendo fans, through thick and thin. I have never been saddened over someone's death before, but Iwata has a special place in my heart somehow.

Nintendo won't be the same without Iwata around, to be honest... He was awesome, but I hope Nintendo can pull through this tragic moment for them, they have to.

That's really all from me, I just wanted to express my feelings about Iwata's sudden death. What were your guys' thoughts? It was all just so sudden, I couldn't believe a thing... But, now he's in a better place, at peace, and every Nintendo fan around will truly miss him.

R.I.P Satoru Iwata
December 6, 1959 - July 11, 2015

(He was 55, that was just too young for him. DX Oh well, at least he doesn't have to suffer through his struggles anymore... We love you, Iwata. <3)

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