Chapter 1

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Another conference yet again...

My mother and I sat in the guidance office waiting for my teachers; so we could start this regular meeting. Just like the car ride to school, it's terribly silent. The only sounds being made are the clock on the wall and an occasional sigh from me. I guess she is tired of talking to me; telling me the same story line. I'm tired too, sick and tired actually.

My phone vibrated in my pocket, breaking the silence. I sighed, pulling out my phone to read the preview of the text I received. From the corner of my eye I could see my mom glaring at me...

"That's all you do." She murmured under her breath, but loud enough for me to hear. This being the way she opens up the flow of conversation. And hear comes the speech, I thought.  I ignored her and unlocked my phone to see the text in detail.

"It's probably your little girlfriend." She scoffed.

I know this story line too; ah... Where should I start? I don't like her, you could do better, what did I tell you about playing with these girls... How do you think she feels...blah blah blah.

"I don't even like her." She grumbles. She shifts her position in her seat and stares at me. I shoved my phone back in my pocket. My eyes don't shift to look at her while I rub the back of my neck.

"Chris..." She said with a deep sigh. "When will you change? I'm not going to live forever. I keep telling you to try; just a little, just a maintain your grad-" 

I heard this all before. Automatically, I tuned her out by forcing myself to daydream. She talks and talks and talks, but I'm not listening. In one ear out the other...

Then, her talking trails off. Glad she caught on. "Finally." I said under my breath. Before I could even get my thoughts together, she smacks me on the side of my head with her purse.  "Ow!" I cried out.

"Ow nothing." She growled. "Maybe this is what I need to do!" She continously hit me with her purse. "Over here ignoring me and what no-"

"STOP ABUSING ME!" I exclaimed, yelling at the top of my lungs. She stops with her vicious attack and kisses her teeth, right before hitting me once more.

"Boy shut up..." She gritted through her teeth.

I laughed to myself. I always yell out "stop abusing me" anytime she hits me in public. It always works. I remember picking up that trick from my brother when I was ten.

"Chris. I'm serious. You really need to get your grades up." Mom said, relaxing her tone.

"I'll try."

"Mhm, yeah right." She scoffed.

I was just about to defend myself, but my teachers walked in. Then my counselor, followed by my coach. Well... This was going to be the longest moment of my life. 

Mom stands to greet the teachers with a smile. She shook hands with them and they returned the same warm greeting. I decide to get comfortable, because I know how long these meetings last.

"How are you Ms. Hawkins?"

"I'm fine and you?"

I'm practically zoned out, while they were all—the teachers—just bashing me with words. My coach stood in the corner of the room looking over at me every once in awhile. I honestly have no idea why he is here. Go coach something...

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