Chapter 51

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Me looking at the comments like, is it safe to keep going...

Me looking at the comments like, is it safe to keep going

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Lol, but forreal tho thanks for blowing up them comments. Y'all the shiznyee <3


I pressed the play button on my 'dance crazy' playlist. That playlist is always my go to when I'm in a good mood. Yesterday was fun. I followed Xavier's friend Kaden around everywhere. Xavier worked overtime in the studio, so hanging with Kaden was the best time ever!

He's really cool. We both clicked in an instant. He loves fashion and in his exact words, "fashion is art, the best art." And I agree with him for the most part. The minute he asked me "Georgio Armani or Emporio Armani" and we both shouted Georgio. I only said that because it's more expensive and I really rock with it. Although, Emporio Armani was doing its thing at fashion week.

I ran my fingers through my hair, and danced in the mirror. Bootylicious by Destiny's Child is on, and that's my... Jam! Not to get all old school, but that song most definitely gets me hype every time.

"Read my lips, carefully if you like what you see..." I grab the brush and moonwalked back and forth past the mirror.

My phone buzzed and I slid over to it. It buzzed again. I see the preview of the text and let out an out loud laugh.

Tyra: our girl got some dick last night
Angie: stooooooppppppppp!


Tyra: am I lying?

Miya: WHAT

Angie has the best hoe stories and I haven't heard one from her in awhile, so I'm ready to hear. I lowered the volume of my music and waited for them to respond. I looked in the mirror, my hair is just all types of messy. My phone started ringing and it shows that Angie wants to FaceTime...

I answer right away, and act a fool once it says connecting...

"Heyyy." I sing, seeing Angie and Tyra on my screen. "What's up with y'all?" I smile, flipping my hair all in the camera.

"Angie back with her hoe activities." Tyra purses her lips. "Buts how's New York?"

"Crazy fun, but Angie what's going on?" I raise my eyebrows. "Hmm?"

"Well..." Angie drags out as flips her hair. I watch her as she bluffs, she's so cute and annoying. "He was doing some hoe stuff too then, cause..."

"First of all! Who is the he? The boy from your Spanish class?" I really forgot his name. I think I should write down people's names, this is a terrible habit that I have.

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