Chapter 45

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He's so damn fine <3


<<<Rewind*not in detail as much, because it doesn't need to be; your questions will be answered in the near future. if anything, please ask if you're konfuzed*

"Can I come with?" Those four words left her lips, I remember. I don't know what clicked in my mind for me to say yes, but it just happened. Stopping by Giant to pick up the flowers for Miya (Tiana gave good advice and talked positively on Giant, so that's where we went.) We went back and forth on which roses to get, actually. White or pink? But it came to a decision that since pink is my girlfriend's favorite color then that's what we're going with and after that... Her mood flipped.

I remember asking her what's wrong and she would just tell me it's nothing, claiming for it to be cramps from Mother Nature. I kept bothering her though and finally she just blurted out "I like you, I shouldn't but I do." And it was like Déjà vu from another perspective. I felt bad and when she said she wanted to go back to school, and not continue our car ride to wherever, I knew I hurt her feelings.

I don't know what's making me care for her feelings, my dog ways kind of flew away when Miya entered my life, somewhat.

So instead of taking her back to school, I asked her if she wanted to go home and her immediate response was yes. So we went to her house.

I walked her to her front door and there I told her, "it's not that I don't think you're cute or anything, you are. But Miya has my heart and I know I said that a million and one times but..."

"Chris, I understand." She sighs. She shifts her eyes to mine. "I gotta' let this go, but I'm fine-"

"You sure? Cause-"

"Yeah, I'm good. Thanks for the car ride and for the chips." She raises the plastic bag that contained her chips. A quick flashback of the process of getting the chips filled my mind. It was funny.

I told her it was typical of her to get Takis and she smacked my shoulder telling me that I was racist...

"Whatchu' Mexican or something?" I kiss my teeth.

"No, Puerto Rican." That's fine, I wonder if she could do the Spanish accent.

"Same thing!" I sneer jokingly.

"No! Oh my God, do not let me get into a history lesson with you, just-"

"Whatever, but aye can you do the Spanish accent?"I ask. She looks up at me with attitude and I laugh hard...

"I had fun with you today." I say, in hopes to make her feel better. "I have to go though."

She nods. "Thanks." She smiles and hugs me tightly. I hug her back in a friendly manner. I plant a kiss on her cheek, being friendly and nothing more or nothing less.

"Aight, I'll holla at ya." I pull away slowly from her and she smiles hard down at the ground.

After that I went home to rest a little bit, truth be told nobody hates going to school as much as I do. I'm completely tired of it. So I took a short nap.

When I woke up my mom was getting ready to leave for the show and so was I. I reminded her to save me a seat and I'll meet her there.

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