BackStage (S-ish)

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TW: Sloppy Makeouts, Mentions Of Sexual Content, Language

Pure raw energy coursed through the concrete foundation of the building vibrating the walls and numbing skulls. The cheers and shrill screams of anticipation buzzed ears, blurring into a white noise in the distance part of the mind. Cramped halls twisted wild paths leading to every possible sizable room and storage closet fashioning confusing thought patterns and heavy doubts.

"It's this next left," The bulky man gestured with his hand as they rounded the corner, "Such a maze down here sometimes I get lost myself!" His chuckle was kindly reciprocated by his follower more out of relief than actual amusement.

When the blatantly obvious marked door grew as they approached both men gave an appreciative sigh, "Alright, well, hope you can find your own way back. I've got to get back to handling the tickets at the door." With an acknowledging nod the man quickly excused himself, dashing down a completely new hall, his feet echoing loudly before the slam of a door severed the noise.

Gathering a large whiff of the damp cold air to steel his bones he gave a solid thump to the door with the side of his fist. Not even waiting for a response to his knock, he forced his shoulder against the metal door to help heave the dense object open.

"Holy shit Will! You nearly gave us a heart attack!" The vocalist of the band chimed in as he caught direct view of the short blonde hair, "Thought you were the manager telling us we had to go on already."

"Relax; you guys still have another forty minutes." Using a clam hand gesture to settle the anxious group of men Will slipped the rest of the way into the room, letting the door shut behind him. "It's a really big crowd out there. Do you guys feel ready?" His question directed itself solely to one member of the band as the others were distracted, fiddling with their instruments.

"Yeah I think we are," Sparkles' soulful smile beamed back with a radiating energy, "I mean, we better be! We've been practicing for this gig for months now! All the other shows have really been like a lead up to this. This'll be our biggest performance yet!"

Will couldn't help but smile back as he watched the bright eyes in front of him light up, eager to get out and entertain the crowd, "You guys are going to be great." Throwing out his arm to land on the other's shoulder he gave a reassuring shake, feeling as if he was a proud guardian giving a pep talk before the big show.

Shifting his eyes Will picked up on the familiar figure lounging on a sofa in the back of the room, "Excuse me..." His voice drifted as his feet carried him fluently across the room. He ignored the smirk he could feel burning at the back of his skull as he knew it was in predictable jest.

"Hey," Will signaled a sloth like wave to the bony man sprawled out on the cushioned piece of furniture, guitar loosely in his hands, "How you feeling Parv?"

Teeth bared brilliantly in the yellowing dressing room lights, the ludicrous grin in its proper place, "Doing better now that my favorite groupie is here!" As Parv's legs slid back towards his body his broken giggles helped fill the conversational void, "Come here and sit down." He laughed, patting the pillow next to him.

Buzzing his lips Will begrudgingly plopped himself down next to the overzealous man, "I better be your only groupie. " He grumbled out, mortified to even being saying such a word.

Slinging his arm around the sharp shoulders Will pulled the lazy guitarist closer to his side. He felt even more at ease when he could feel Parv gently lay his head onto his shoulder, "And why are you even calling me a groupie? It would mean that I like your music."

"Oi!" Parv snapped, poking the other with the base of his guitar, "Cheeky..." He grinned again, plucking strings in random order, "You like our music, don't try and lie to me Will."

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