Radioactive (N)

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Ready for the best Parvill story in the world?

TW: Alternate Universe - Vampire, Alternate Universe - Werewolf, Blood Drinking, Non-Penetrative Sex, Anal Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Dubious Consent

~Chapter One

Parvis didn't even need to see the mark. It smelled fucking gorgeous.

Lucky him, that he could start hunting just as the sun started to dip below the horizon. Meant that he could get to his marks before they got drunk at the crowded, dingy bars of the lower city and started tasting less like themselves and more like grain alcohol. The Old Ones had to wait until the sun fully vanished and would have to be content with Parvis' leftovers.

He still liked patrolling the bar scene though. It was like he fit in with the eclectic mix of people who became friendly with each other in the low haze of inebriation and lust. And here, piled between mundane bodies, the sweet ones were much more distinctly rendered.

Parvis wore his dark jeans low on his hips, held up only barely by a white belt notched on the tightest perforation. He'd only dropped weight since the change three years ago. His black tee clung to his shoulders and he'd purchased it deliberately small so it would nip in at his waist as well. Success rates were better this way. On his neck was a thin gold chain with an inexpensive cross, because the protective powers of the crucifix was a fucking myth. He wore it under his shirt, like he would if he were actually Catholic, rather than wearing it as an obvious bit of disguise. No one suspects the vampire wearing the cross.

That sweet smell was somewhere here. A little like yellow cake batter, or what Parvis could remember of yellow cake batter, but sharp on the end. Maybe citrusy? It hadn't occurred to Parvis that blood could smell like anything but copper or death. But, then again, it hadn't occurred to him that he'd be able to smell it inside people's veins either.

Whenever he took a step towards the smell, it seemed just out of reach. Wasn't the pretty blonde woman with the small breasts and generous hips. Wasn't the tall man with blue eyes already on his third Jack and coke. Wasn't either of the couple of indeterminate gender talking in hushed tones at the corner table.

Parvis pushed his dark hair out of his eyes and appraised the bar again. It was rapidly filling and his window of opportunity for an unmolested meal was rapidly closing. Another hour and the Old Ones would start prowling. While he had the time advantage, they had the strength.

There. There.

On the other side of the central bar sat two men, nursing their first beers of the night. One with dark hair and blue eyes, dressed sharply with a black blazer over his blue tee, expensive. He spoke in hushed tones to the other man. Blond, his red shirt had the cuffs undone and the sleeves rolled up, exposing intricately woven tattoos on both forearms. Over the shirt he wore a vest, maybe half a size too small for him. But that was fine, clung to his body nicely.

Blond. It was the blond who smelled like yellow cake batter, then faintly of citrus.

The brunet was something else too. Related smells, but not identical. A bit like the scents were reversed. Hard to tell, since the blond was an absolute assault on his senses now. The brunet said something and the blond laughed into his glass before looking up, straight at Parvis. He'd be caught out. Green eyes hit Parvis hard and fast and he smiled in return as an invitation. But the blond didn't move, went back to his beer and his friend. Like Parvis wasn't even there.

Fine, he didn't mind being the aggressor. Time was a-ticking.

Would have been nicer to get them apart, but Parvis didn't have time to spare, so he approached the brunet, snubbing the sweet smelling blond altogether. Sliding between their barstools, he blocked the blond out, cutting him away from his friend and forcing him to look at Parvis' back.

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