War (S)

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TW: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Blood, Angst, Sad Stuff

Notes: Based on the tekkit war basically, with Ridge as Sjin, Kirin as Lalna, Strife as Rythian and Parv as Zoeya...  

A large rumble woke him up. He was still groggy from sleeping, head spinning, limbs heavy. A groan came from the mess of black hair next to him. Another rumble.

"Is that thunder?" Strife whispered, his voice hoarse. It must be around four in the morning, it was still dark outside. Parv rolled over sighing, mumbling something inaudible. Strife rubbed his eyes, he wanted to go to sleep again. But as he closed his eyelids, the thunder rolled again.

"Yeah, I can hear thunder." Strife stated. Why now, he had been looking forward to getting a full night's sleep for once, but apparently the gods didn't like him enough for that. He moved closer to Parv, seeking comfort from the other man's warm body; not that he was scared, but more so because every thunder strike sent a cold shiver through his spine. Sighing he inhaled the familiar scent of Parv's hair, hoping that the weather would soon pass. But he barely had time for that before another loud noise made the building shake. This wasn't thunder though, this was something else.

"Parvis, did you hear that?" Strife nudged Parv's shoulder slightly.

"Huh? Yeah, it sounded like an explosion." Parv yawned. Strife got a nagging feeling in his gut. If that was an explosion, what had caused it?

"I'm gonna check it out okay Parvis?" Strife said, sitting up and swinging his legs over the side of the bed. Parv stretched out his arms after Strife, groaning at the sudden loss of heat next to him.

"I'll be quick I promise, I just wanna make sure nothing important is damaged." Strife grabbed his exoskeleton, putting his armour on just in case.

As he walked out in the cool night air he could see orange light in the distance. Relief made the knot in his stomach loosen, the silhouette of Solution Towers contrasted the night sky in the west whilst the lightning struck towards the north. He was prepared to go back inside when another explosion went off. Strife bit his lip unsure whether he should leave Parv alone, but his curiosity took over and he ascended into air, the wind breezing through his blonde hair. It didn't take much time to cover the distance from Parv's base to the origin of the blast. As he came closer, smoke stung in his eyes and nose, and he could see that the area was burning.

"What the hell!" Strife's eyes wandered over the burning forest. This was some serious damage. From out of nowhere a glowing spark flew at him, he could feel it whiz past his ear, inches from damaging him. As he turned his head towards the direction from where the magic spell had come from, he saw two figures circling each other above the rising smoke. The two cloaked demigods had eyes for nothing but each other, swirling around in a lethal dance, dark blue and burgundy. Strife furrowed his brow, this wasn't just pranks any more. Flying higher up, his eyes blurry with tears from the slipstream, Strife approached the mage closest to him. Kirin turned his head, noticing the blond, somewhat mortal, hovering next to him.

"Hello there Strife" Kirin said, only half focusing on the conversation as he was still dodging Ridge's attacks.

"What the hell are you doing! Those explosions could be heard across the land!" Strife shouted partly because he was angry, and partly so that it would be heard over the thunder and winds this high up in the air. Kirin shrugged apologizing, and fired a spell at Ridge, blinding Strife for a second.

"That wasn't me, that was Ridge, he blew up my house. I mean I might have ticked him off with that small-ish curse that I put on him, but I swear it's not my fault." Kirin replied, his voice calm and controlled, almost relaxed. Strife inhaled sharply, his fingers itching to punch the demigod for his arrogance.

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