Observations (S)

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TW: None?

~Chapter One: Knife

When you first met him you didn't notice much about Parvis. In fact, you tried not to pay much attention to him and weren't too interested in knowing more than needed. You tried to keep this a cold, professional apprenticeship and simply get this favor to Xephos over with.

You didn't notice how his smile was quick, sharper than the knife he held in his hands in that underground altar. You didn't notice that smile at all until it was there and in your face before he swiped at you with a giddy giggle. His grin cut fast onto his face, all teeth and cheshire like. His teeth seemed too straight and a little too sharp to even be human. Must have been a trick of the light.

He was all sharp angles. It was hard to believe you never noticed that from the beginning especially since you had to share a bed with him for a time back in Chaosville. You noticed that during his apprenticeship with you, he purposefully made himself seem smaller. He towered over you when he wanted to, long arms and legs seemingly going on forever, and you weren't at all short. In fact, you assumed to be just a few inches above average human male height. He was too tall, too sharp, and such a thing on anyone else would've made you uncomfortable. But you were a business man and you've seen Endermen zip around with their long limbs and too many angles.

(Seeing Parvis do the exact same thing was unnerving later, especially with the coppery, bitter scent of blood that was left when he leapt up in the air.)

His eyes were black. At first you dismissed it as a trick of the light, that perhaps his eyes were just a darker brown. But no, in the confines of the well lit altar room, the glowstone glittering. He met your eyes with that same, knife sharp grin and all that reflected back from his eyes was the glowstone. They were pitch black, gaping holes in the whites of his eyes and it was strange; fascinating even. Seeing yourself reflected on those eyes sent a shiver down your spine and you looked away immediately.

You do remember however, back in Chaosville, that he would often complain about the sun. He had a tendency to turn pink in the sun after a long day at work.

(And that was the strange thing about humans, the thing they live off of could damage them and make them change colors. You had laughed at Parvis those times he would turn mooshroom red)

Now, he was still pink but not from the sun. He was flushed from his blood network and with the giddy joy of power. There were times however, when a ritual doesn't go quite right or a mechanism drains on him, he would turn sickeningly ghast pale. His skin paper white and paper thin, seemingly deflating from the lack of blood. You had laughed mockingly at first until it worried you. It was an unpleasant feeling.

His hands were just like the rest of him, too long and too sharp. You never noticed and probably wouldn't have noticed at all if it wasn't for that time you had challenged just how much power his blood network was producing, mocking him a little. He had frowned a bit then, the frown cutting into his face too suddenly, and grabbed you face in one hand while dipping the other into the well of the blood altar. He forced your jaw open and slipped blood soaked fingers into your mouth, grinning; "Can't you feel all that power Will? It's all mine but I can share."

You shoved him away, the bitter taste of blood lingering on your tongue and staining your teeth. You had glared at him, sputtering and half shouting at him. He lifted his hands up in the air, stained with blood, and shrugged. As if saying, "Oh what? Me?". You had noticed his hands then. Bony and probing, dancing on your tongue not unlike a spider. You had continued glaring and he smiled again, slow and sweet like molasses. You preferred that sharp grin.

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