A Rose By Any Other Name (S)

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TW: Vampirism

It was a stupid idea.

Will had promised himself he wouldn't be that cliché romantic and yet here he was, standing outside Parvis' door at one in the morning, nervously clutching the rose he'd picked earlier.

It still had its thorns, too, though Will honestly thought that Parv would like it more that way. But maybe it wasn't safe? What if Parvis hurt himself on it by accident? Will wouldn't put it past him.
His fussing was cut short by footsteps on the other side of the door. Panicking, Will shoved the rose into his bag to hide it and tried to not look guilty as he turned to face Parvis.

Parvis stared at Will before looking up at the sky. He frowned at the moon before glancing back to him and said, "Don't you normally come during the day?"

"I- It's just that this is more convenient for you, Parvis," Will stammered, and then hurried on, "and for me, too, because then I can visit other people who actually sleep at night."

Something ever so subtle changed in Parv's expression. "Who do you visit besides me?" He whined, long limbs bunching together in a way Will could almost call possessive.

"Clients," Will said stiffly, instinctively distrusting this new side of Parvis.

Parvis hummed softly, considering this as he ushered Will inside. There was a new glint to his eyes that Will didn't like - something that made him feel like prey, made him reluctant to enter the hunter's den.

The feeling faded as Parvis led him further inside, to where the stone seemed worn down from being washed too often and the lingering scent of copper reminded Will of too many close calls.

"Why did you decide to visit me?" Parvis sank onto his altar - treating it with such familiarity that Will could practically cry - and grinned at the blond. "Not that you need a reason to visit the wonderful and successful Parvy, but a businessman never does anything without a reason."

"I - uh-" Will flushed a bright shade of green at the thought of the rose in his bag, and mumbled, "N- No reason, I just haven't seen you in a while..."

Parv's grin widened. "Was Strifeykins lonely?" He rose fluidly from his seat, sliding an arm around Will's shoulders and pressing close in a way that made Will's stomach flip.

"I- I just - I thought you'd be missing me," Will managed, tripping over the words as he tried to speak.
"Missing you?" Parvis was teasing now, lowering his head to let his words blow air over Will's ear.
Will refrained from reaching out and grabbing Parv - he'd never been like this before, but vampirism had made him so much smoother.

"Of course I miss you," he said brightly, suddenly not seducing and more like his old self. "And of course you miss the awesome me too, right Strifey?"

"Right," Will agreed automatically.

"Goody!" Parvis grinned and clapped his hands together like a child on Christmas, then spun away from Strife and headed for the stairs.

"Come on!" He called over his shoulder. "I want you to see the thing I did!"

The 'thing he did' was, as it turned out, a massive crater in a too-familiar volcano with a very long backstory. Will didn't bother to listen to Parv's erratic explanation, too busy quenching nearby trees and running damage control, as per usual.

It took several hours of discouragement and many rejections of a demonstration to finally herd Parvis back towards his home. Threats of sunlight and a cross Will had taken to carrying in his waistcoat speeded their journey, though Will would be lying if he said he wasn't concerned the sun would actually rise before they made it back.

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