Talking Body (Put It On Me) [N]

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Author's Note: who wants 8k of parvill stuffing kink!!! ...probly no one other than me, but hey ho, you're getting it anyways. btw, i know my kink is not your kink and that's okay, but i'm really not up for going through the whole "endless jokes about eggs" thing again with this. if you don't like it, or think it's weird, don't read instead of giving me shit about it.

TW: Sex, Stuffing, Inflation, Belly Kink, Belly Rubs, Food Kink, Alien Sex, Bioluminescence, Non-Human Genitalia

"Parvis!" yelled Strife, "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

It had been a long day – a long, stressful day full of dealing with a tricksy demigod who was entirely too good at acting like an innocently overexcited puppy rather than the slippery bastard he actually was – and Strife had been looking forward to getting home, having dinner, andrelaxing. What he had neither anticipated nor hoped for, though, was the presence of a certain blood mage in his house. A certain, distinctlyuninvited blood mage.

Especially given said blood mage was sat at his dining room table with the dish of lasagna that was supposed to be Strife's dinner for the next several days in front of him – casually eating directly from the dish like a goddamn savage.

"Oh, hey Strifey!" said Parvis, cheerfully, the words muffled by his mouthful of food. Swallowing hard, and coughing a little when something that hadn't been chewed enough nearly went down the wrong way, he set the fork down and waved. "How was your day? Probably boring, your days arealways boring. My day, though, was-"

"I don't give a good goddamn about your day, Parvis!" snapped Strife, hands curling into fists. He crossed his arms, fighting against the urge to take a swing at the blood mage – not that it would do much good with his blood network powering him, but it was the principle of the thing. There'd be emotional satisfaction, along with his bruised knuckles and Parvis' unmarked face. "What I want to know why you're here, in mygoddamn kitchen, eating my goddamn dinner!"

Parvis' eyes widened a little at the outburst, and he glanced down at the lasagna in front of him with raised eyebrows. "Oh, this is- you were going to have this for dinner?" he said, all innocence and surprise. "If I'd known that, Strifey, I wouldn't have eaten it."

It was only through sheer force of will that Strife didn't end up howling his next few words. "Why the hell," he managed, instead, words dangerously low and forced out through gritted teeth, "would I have it in the oven cooking, if I wasn't goddamn well planning on eating it, Parvis?!"

"I don't know," whined Parvis, sticking his lip out. He glanced down at the lasagna, prodding it with a fork, and then back up at Strife. "It was just... I was hungry, and it looked so good... and it really is, Strifey! It's delicious!" He grinned at Strife, a nervous sort of smile, as if hoping that taunting Strife regarding the tastiness of his would-have-been dinner was going to diffuse the situation.

Unsurprisingly, it did not.

"Well," snapped Strife, leaning a hip against the table to glare down at Parvis. "Maybe, if it's so delicious, you should eat the whole goddamn thing." His blood was boiling, now, the familiar, itching, furious frustration that only Parvis managed to conjure in him crawling across his skin.

The hopeful smile slid off Parvis' face, replaced with a determined scowl. "Well!" snapped Parvis back, never one to back down from a challenge, "maybe I will!" He picked up the fork, grinned brightly and unpleasantly up at Strife with bared, slightly threatening teeth, and shovelled another huge mouthful of lasagna into his open mouth.

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