Jealousy's A Bitch

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TW: Sexual Content, Jelaousy, Mild Angst


Strife, look at what I made!" Parv said excitedly as he pulled something out of the blood altar.

Will didn't look up from what he was doing at the crafting station. Parv walked over, "Wiiiiiiiiiiill." Parv whined.

"I'm doing something Parvis." Will snapped. Parv flinched away and sighed. Will was never impressed with him. He never acknowledged him as anything more than a dumb pest. Maybe he was dumb. Only a dumb person would fall in love with someone who treated him like Will did. Only a dumb person like Alex Parvis would fall in love with a guy like William Strife. The thought made his heart break. Will would never love him. He barely likes him now.

Parv held in his tears and smiled through it all, "Fine but when I become powerful you're gonna wish you were nicer to me." He said in a voice that was too cheery.

"You mean if." Will corrected, still not turning to look at him.

Parv went back to what he was doing with a heavy heart. Maybe if he stopped thinking about Will and if he just told him to leave then maybe he would stop loving him. Parv scoffed at himself, If it could only be that easy.

Alex Parvis could be a strong man when he needed to be. But even a strong man could only take so much. And at the moment Parv couldn't take much more of Will's abuse-though abuse may be a strong word to use-without at least telling him how he felt.

So one day when he was battered and broken, both mentally and physically(from mobs) he broke down.


To Will it was just another day of adventure. Him and Parv mining and exploring cave systems. Parv was being his usual noob self and he was teasing him about it. When they got back to Parv's base, they were in pretty bad shape. Monsters had gotten to them bad. Parv was worse off than him and Will was a tiny bit worried. He was more so worried when Parv walked up to him later with his eyes watering and a small smile on his face.

"What's wrong Parvis?" Will said genuine concern on his face.

"I can't take it anymore." Parv said his voice cracking. "I need to tell you something important. It doesn't have to change anything but I just need to tell you." he said averting his gaze to the ground. "I think I might love you Will..." Parv said looking back up at him with a sad smile on his face.

For the first time in a very long time Will was completely and utterly speechless. When he heard Parvis say those words he felt his heart stutter and he wasn't sure what it meant. He didn't know what he was feeling and he didn't know how he felt about Parvis. Not many times could William Strife say he didn't know something and it scared him to no end when he could. So he did what he usually did, he denied. "Parvis..." He trailed off unsure of how to continue.

Parvis still had that sad smile on his face as he shook his hand dismissively at Will, "It's okay Will. I know you could never love me back but I'm fine with just being your friend. You don't have to say anything or do anything different. Just... pretend this never happened." Parvis said nodding his head and walking away back to his blood altar.

And for a reason William Strife didn't know, those words broke his heart.

Will felt terrible for what he did to Parvis. He didn't mean to hurt him the way he did. He just... didn't know what to say and then Parvis was walking away leaving Will in the dust of a situation he didn't know existed. Sure Parvis wasn't the worst looking guy in the world but did Will really think more of him than that? He didn't know. And if there was one thing William Strife hated, it was the unknown.

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