Is This The End? (S)

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TW: Magic Police, Blood Magic, Sadness, Angst

Stood outside the Solutions Tower was a well suited Parvis, grumbling over the choice of clothing.

"Can't I just wear jeans?"

"No. It's a formal event."

"But I hate suits!"

"Stop complaining. You look good. Come on, we have to hurry or we'll be late."

The Magic Police had called together an all invite party at a new build of Sjin's. Of course, being both Magic Police and Cheat Police, he had all access to anything that could catch the Mages.

They had invited everyone. Even the high up likes of KirinDave and RidgeDog. It was becoming all out war. I had a feeling they would amount to this sooner or later. Get everyone drunk and find the accidents.

"Can we go? The quicker we show up the quicker we can leave." Parv asked.

"Of course. If we go to Hannah's there should be a portal around hers."

Parv stormed ahead, complaining about the stupidity of having to show up.

"Alex, if you don't go they'll know something's up."

"I know." He stopped and turned, surprising me with a quick embrace. "Thank you for helping."

"Well, someone has to. Come on, we'll catch the guys if we hurry."


We arrived at the grand house accompanied by Hannah and Nilesy. The grounds surrounding the house were covered with people, catching up with one another. Hannah moved from our side as she greeted Lewis. He waved to us and nodded before whisking Hannah deeper into the gardens. Nilesy smiled after them.

"They're so happy."

"They're very lucky." I replied, a fond smile across my face. He nodded in agreement. "I think Panda is coming. He should be out back,"

"Really?" Nilesy grinned, running toward the house.

I turned around to find a distinct lack of Parvis. As I began to look, I saw Duncan strut toward me.

"Strife! I'm glad you could make it. No date I see? What about your little friend? We know how close you two have gotten."

"Leave Parv out of this. He's not my boyfriend, and he's really not who you should be looking for."

"We shall see."

A crazed glint shimmered in his eye as he turned away.

"Will?" A voice called. I turned, searching for the voice. "Will!"


A hand grabbed me and pulled me out of sight. I felt long, thin arms wrap around my waist and a head bury into my neck.


"I can't do this. They'll see the runes. They know already. They're out to get me, I know it!"

"Alex, calm down. We won't stay long. Just relax and they won't know anything." I allowed myself to hold him momentarily before I pulled away.

"Promise?" His eyes shone with tears.

"I promise. I won't let them get to you."

"Thank you." He wiped his eyes, composing himself as he walked out of the tree line. I followed cautiously, watching the crowds for any signs of the others.

We found Rythian quickly. He was sat on the stairs of the garden, playing with his scarf. Parv sat down, greeting the Ender Mage. I smiled, leaving the two to talk as I searched for KirinDave.

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