I Thought You Loved Me.. (N)

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TW: Angst, Blood, Implied Character Death, Potty Mouth Wizard Magic

Will sat at his desk quietly working through the mounds of paper work he had neglected to finish. He had so many offers now that Strife Solutions was back up and running with efficiency. Many companies had come to him for deals and help with their problems. Will was more than happy to see his business running as well as it was, however there was one thing in the back of his mind. For the last month he had spent all of his free time with Parv and his pouty mouth wizard magic. Originally he had stayed around the mage because of his debt to Lewis, however as time progressed something else had developed. Nothing more than himself and Parv couldn't deny anymore as their relationship had... well... they now had a relationship that was more than just a boss and an employ.

Will couldn't really describe what their relationship was... He didn't think there was a word for the way they acted. To the outside world, Will was just making sure that Parv didn't kill himself, since everyone else was wrapped up in their nuclear warfare with each other. To Ridgedog he knew something was going on, the way he would insinuate things when they talked business and somehow Parv always came into the conversation. To Will, there was some kind of connection between them, he had felt it many times when they bunked down with each other to keep the cold away. Or the way he would make Will moan and gasp in the dark nights when they were both alone with each other. To Parv... Well, Will didn't know what their relationship was to the mage. He assumed that Parv felt the same way, but after the last time they had met Will wasn't so sure. Something had changed in Parv since his pick had been destroyed. He wasn't the same man anymore, so he left Parv on his own and they hadn't spoken to each other since.

In the back of his mind Will kept thinking that he should go and see him, but he wasn't sure what wanted him to go and see the mage... Should he? It couldn't harm to try... Right?


It was sunset by the time Will had managed to get to the little island with the little castle on it. He landed in the courtyard where he had placed all the sun flowers. His heart almost sunk when he noticed that most of the sun flowers had died or had been cut down. Will sighed, when he had been with Parv they had taken care of the flowers and that's why they had lived for so long. Walking slowly through the sad flowers, he walked into the castle. The inside looked dirty and there were cobwebs in the corners. Taking a step towards the back wall Will looked for the sign of the secret door. Quickly he found it and descended the stairs to the basement that Parv had transformed into his working and resting area.

"Parvis?" Will called out as he placed his foot on the last step. Looking around he noticed that everything was just as messy as it usually was. The chests were over flowing and there was remnants of blood sprinkled on the floor. Walking away from the stairs Will glanced at the blood alter and noted the blood and remains of a poor creature that had unfortunately found Parv for the last moments of its life. Will grimaced and turned away from the scene in front of him towards the sleeping quarters. Very rarely had Parv ever used the beds without him, otherwise we would just fall asleep at his alter... Most likely from loss of blood as well.

Slowly taking steps towards the quarters Will held his breath as he wondered what state Parv would be in. Would he be injured and loosing blood, or would he simply be resting as if nothing happened? Will lowered the atomic disassembler and turned the corner in to the room. The room was in the same state Will had left it. All the beds apart from two were spread evenly apart and kept neatly presented. Two beds had been pushed together and were not made, the way Will had left it, not having time to make them look presentable. The two beds himself and Parvis had pushed together so they could stay warm in the cold nights. The beds where their whole relationship had taken place, from the breathless nights to the quiet whispers about anything that crossed their minds. On the floor next to the beds was a small dagger that belonged to Parv. It still shone in the low light of the room as sharp as the day it was made. A small puddle of blood dripped from it and stained the tiles below it. On the bed amongst the red sheets was a body, the still breathing body of Parvis.

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