To Kill A Soul (S)

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TW: Major Character Death, Blood/Injury

I sat in the old Castle, watching Parv raise from the ground. Blood spun around his body, splattering the wall behind him. He was trying to raise dead. It was draining his blood pool and it wasn't working.

He fell to his knees, the blood falling on the floor around him.

"Why can't it work!"

I sighed, walking toward him.

"It's supposed to be easy!"

"Parvis, calm down. You'll get it."

"You don't understand! It's not as easy as putting some things together and making it work!"

I sighed, stepping back.


"It's okay."

He stood, pushing his hair off his face.

"What do you think you're doing wrong?"

"Nothing! I'm doing exactly what I was told to and I still can't make it work."

"The ritual is beginning, because the blood reacts. It's something you're doing midway through."

He looked at me, eyes narrowed.


"I'm going to run out of blood soon. I need to let it charge."

"Okay, well do you need to do anything else?"

"Nah. I mean..."


"It's been a while. I'm thirsty."

"I thought that was covered?"

"But I'm thirsty..."

"Parv, you've got plenty of blood to drink."

He was looking at my neck.


"It's just nothing like yours."

I stood, moving away.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

"I'm not scared."

"Oh?" He stood, chuckling.

"Parv, stay focused."

"I am focused! On you."

I stepped back. He moved toward me, licking his lips. I hit the wall, holding my disassembler toward the Blood Mage.

"Would you really hurt me?"

"I don't want to."

He didn't stop advancing.

I knew I couldn't hit him. His armour was off and it would hurt him. I allowed the weapon to drop to the floor as he stopped in front of me. His eyes were glowing, a deep red smoke across his face.

"Oh, Will. So loyal."

"Alex, please stop it."

He froze for a moment.


"Parv's not here, Strifeykins."

I tried to push him back. He shook his head, pulling my arms above my head.

"Not this time."

I closed my eyes. Tears welled up.

"What's wrong, Strife? Are you scared now?"

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