Good Vibrations (N)

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TW: Sex Toys, Vibrators, Tentacle Dick, Alien Biology, Bioluminescence, Hair-pulling, Biting, Overstimulation

"What is it?" asks Will, eyeing the small device in Parvis' hand suspiciously.

It's thin, not too long, slightly curved at the tip. Maybe an inch longer than Parvis' middle finger – and suspiciously phallic. Although, given that Parvis has introduced it whilst they're both sat naked on his bed, the fact that it appears to be slightly sexual in nature is less of a surprise than it probably should be.

Parvis grins, the kind of light in his eyes that Will has come to associate with either utter disaster or completely unforeseen success. "It's a vibrator!" he says, presses a button on the top of it and laughs when Will jumps a little at the resulting buzz. "It vibrates. Does nice things to your naughty bits. Trust me, it's good."

He hands the toy over to Will, who takes it with tentative hands – like it might explode. Considering he's being handed it by Parvis, the likelihood for catastrophic and spontaneous failure is reasonably high.

"Hmm," he says, turns it over in his hands, presses a finger against the tip of it and frowns at the strength of the buzz. It turns the pad of his finger fuzzy and half-numb entirely too quickly, and he can't help but think that having that anywhere near the delicate sensitivity of his fronds is going to hurt.

Curious, he lifts it, touches it to one pressure-sensitive nodes down the side of his neck – and then pulls it away with a high noise of surprise at the sensation. It's entirely different to touch or pressure, the strange on-off pulsing something his brain can't quite deal with, and he's not entirely sure what to make of it. His freckles flare bright green-yellow with it, brightest around the node, and he touches it to another one to watch the way the light shifts to flare around the different location.

It's not an unpleasant sensation, per se, he decides. He presses it a little more firmly against a slightly less sensitive node over his ribs, sucks in a breath and watches the rings of light that spread out like ripples around it before he pulls it away. It's... different, very different, though, and that means it has the potential to go wrong.

He doesn't like things with the potential to go wrong.

Some of his hesitancy and confusion must show on his face, because Parvis goes into full-on begging mode almost immediately. "Can we at leasttry it?" he asks, does that god-awful puppy dog expression that Will hates because he can't say no to it. "Please? I'll be careful, get you all warmed up first..."

Parvis' eyes drop heavy-lidded, voice edging seductive, and Will feels the leaves over his sheath beginning to shift just at Parvis' expression.

He exhales slowly, pulls himself together, closes his eyes for a moment and tries to ignore the steady buzz of the vibrator against his fingers. "Okay," he says, opening them again in time to see Parvis grin blindingly wide. "But you've got to be careful."

"Yes!" Parvis bowls him over in his enthusiasm, knocks him back against the bed until they're pressed chest-to-chest, kisses him with a sloppy enthusiasm that leaves them both gasping and Parvis' lips kiss-pink. "You're the best, Will."

He nuzzles against Will's throat, sucks a bruise into it over one of the many pressure-sensitive nodes scattered over his skin, and grins when Will groans. The vibrator shuts off at the click of a button and he drops it to the bed, next to the curve of Will's hip, lets it nestle in the sheets for now.

When he slides a hand down Will's chest, over his stomach to dip between his legs, he's not surprised to find Will's leaves have already begun to soften and shift, sliding over each other to uncover his sheath. He strokes them, careful not to brush against the newly exposed cilia, running knuckles over the leaves until they part even more.

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