Disgusting. (N)

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TW: Cannibalism, Gore

  Will wasn't sure how it got to be this way. Waking up in the arms of none other than Parvis. Engulfed in the scent of his cheap cologne, face nuzzled into the back of the blond's neck. Kisses full of stubble, breakfast with heart shaped pancakes, the full romantic package. However he had the subtle inkling that something was off. Parvis seemed too overly content unlike his usual self, he was more articulated and structured. He was no expert but something had to be wrong.

Snooping around the castle, Will spied upon his lover. The lanky man was spotted near the altar, draining witches like usual. He stood there for perhaps thirty minutes before searching through the sorting system for anything malicious. A rough hand grabbed his shoulder and spun him around.

"Whatcha doing Strife?" Parvis asked in a subtle way.

"Nothing Parv, just looking for...Uhm cobblestone." Will looked away in an attempt to avoid the other man's gaze.

"Silly, it shouldn't take half and hour to look for cobblestone!" Parvis grinned warmly.

Will felt a cold shiver go down his spine, how on earth did Parv spot him from the sorting room? If Parv knew he was there why didn't he say anything? He could feel himself tensing up, his head racing full of questions.

"Will, are you alright?" The raven haired man broke the silence.

"Y-Yeah." Was all the Will managed to spit out.

"I hope so! I've been waiting for you to come down here so we could have dinner!" He smiled. "I set the table a while ago, I just assumed you were busy with something so I minded my own business." 

He grabbed the ceo's hand. "Well come on now, follow Parvy!" He lead him around the castle and down the hall.

"...Parv, the dining room is on the other side of the hall." Strife stated.

"Well, I wanted to surprise you with something I've been working on!" He guided down the corridor to a dead end. To Will's surprise, Parvis pushed on the wall and a secret passageway opened up.

"I thought we could enjoy a more private environment." The blood mage gave a playful wink. Strife blushed, is this what Parvis had been up to?

When the couple entered the room, it appeared to be a larger dining room, with the exception of multiple chests and a fridge and stove that seemed somewhat out of place. Parvis sat Will down, who looked more calm than before. He smiled at his partner and rested his hands on the arms of the chair. Parvis reached under the table, a subtle clicking sound was audible. Strife gave out a shocked gasp as clasps tightened around Strife's forearms and legs.

"P-Parvis. What is the meaning of this?" He mumbled out.

"What? The restraints? It's part of the surprise!" Placing a kiss on the disgruntled man's face. "I also have to make sure you don't leave is all."

Will was now seriously beginning to worry, what on earth could he have in plan in which he would feel the need to flee? His thoughts were interrupted by a cold blade brushing his skin. He glanced down to view something quite shocking, a butchers knife in one hand and fabric scissors in the other.

"Alex!" He shouted. "I demand to know the meaning of this right now!"

"I want you, I've wanted you for so long, but not in the way you want me." He groaned and let the blade graze the other man's skin. Will whimpered when he spotted the blood seeping out of his arm.

"Y-You just wanted me for my blood?" He cried out.

Parvis frowned and shook his head. "Of course not!"

"Then...Why are you doing thi-" His speech became more of a scream as the blade deepened into his flesh. "Stop! Stop this! It fucking hurts, Parv! Fucking stop!" He wailed.

"I love you...I love you so-so much Strifeykins." He turned his boyfriend's head towards him and silenced his cries with a forceful kiss. Will unwillingly accepted the kiss in order to drown out the pain he was experiencing. However he bit his own tongue as Parvis drew away and continued to cut into his flesh until a five inch strip was removed. The culprit placed the meat on the plate in front of his victim. Strife looked utterly confused, crying and bleeding profusely but most of all confused. The taller man proceeded to cut up the flesh into small bites.

"I-I brought some of your favorite sauces and seasonings...See! I'm always thinking about my precious Strifey!" He smiled. Will on the other hand, was shaking like a leaf.

"You e-expect me to eat my own flesh? That's disgusting, even for someone like you." He growled at the guitarist, to which he just rolled his eyes in return. Will watched in horror as Parvis took the bloody plate of meat cubes to the stove, placing it over the burners. He dug into a nearby chest for some supplies, one of Strife's favorite fancy cooking sauces, seasoning, and a pan. Dumping the contents into the pan and shaking it a bit to make sure they were mixed. Will was now not only crying out of physical pain, but emotional as well. This was not the man he trust nor loved, this was some God awful demon sent to torment him. Parvis on the other hand was completely content as he turned on the stove, stirring the meat and other content. He grabbed some vegetables and what appeared to be chopped beef and placed them into the pan. He continued to stir cook and attend to the "meal" as Will cried to himself until he passed out.

"Wakey wakey!" Parvis said cheerfully and he shook Will lightly. "Come on sleepyhead I've made you a wonderful meal!"  

Credit to xenojunk on Ao3

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