baptized by fire (born in the ashes of our love) [S]

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TW: Alternate Universe - High School, Underage Smoking, Mentions of Vaping, Marijuana, Shotgunning

Sometimes, Will regretted his life choices. Like now, for example. He was home alone with his grungy asshole of a boyfriend, and had been planning on finishing up some last minute homework before the movie watching and making out began. However, his boyfriend had refused to shave, had accumulated enough scruff to turn his skin red and raw. Normally, he'd be all for that, but his parents were going to be back sometime in the next few days, and the fewer marks, the better. Will didn't need them thinking that he had furthered his 'rebellious phase' by having sex. It was bad enough that he had already been convinced to drink some whiskey, and-

Lord Almighty, what was Parvis up to now?

"You know, you look pretty hot in that tight little skirt, but I bet it'd look better on your bedroom floor." Alex hummed in a mock contemplative tone, resting a too warm hand on Will's bare thigh, causing the taller boy to flush. Fretting and worrying his bottom lip in his teeth, he adjusted his stockings and his skirt, trying to get Parv's hand to a more appropriate part of his leg. Once that was settled, he turned his attention to the comment, brow furrowing as his outrage became apparent.

"Alex!" He scolded, seeming scandalized, pink blush high on his cheeks. "You're here so I can help you with your work and so we can watch movies, n-not so you can just...say things like that!"

"What, is there a problem with telling my pretty boyfriend how much I'd like to see him beneath me, in bed?" The brunette retorted, permanent smirk settling into place.

"Parvis! God, you've become even more of an ass ever since you started vaping."

"Oi! Vaping is cool, alright Strifeykins? Just cause you don't get it doesn't make it any less sweet."

A derisive snort escaped Will without his consent and he went with it, adding in an exaggerated eye roll for dramatic effect. "See you're saying that now, but the first time you tried vaping you choked on your own spit and spent an hour in the bathroom, trying not to throw up."

"T-that doesn't make it any less awesome, though! It makes me look badass, and it's just the new thing, y'know? Everyone's doing it!"

"I hardly think Ross, Trott, and Smiffy constitute as 'everyone', never mind people to take after to be seen as 'cool'. They're total stoners, Parvis. Don't get me wrong- they're good people, but part of their whole thing is being dicks who overuse drugs." Shaking his head, a fond smile managed to wriggle its way on to his features and he sprawled on his bed, staring up at the ceiling. "You, on the other hand, are going to cut yourself on all your attempted edge, if you aren't careful. You're a giant dork and a huge weeb, not a ménage a trois of tomfoolery."

That smart ass remark earned him a muffled chuckle and the familiar click of a lighter. Confused, Strife propped himself up on his elbows, looking over at his boyfriend and paling at the sight. Parvis had a joint in his mouth and had just lit it, custom lighter (Will's Christmas gift to him) getting tucked neatly into the pocket of his leather jacket and smoke starting to fill the room.

"Shit! What the fuck are you thinking, Alex?" The blonde shouted, pushing himself off the bed to rush over to the windows, lifting the latches and leaving them all wide open before he fumbled for a can of Febreze, regrettably only having the mango variety to deal with what was sure to be a rather persistent stench. The smell of weed could never really be scrubbed out of cotton, he'd learned.

Taking a long drag, the brunette just shot a shit eating grin at his boyfriend in response, blowing a smoke ring in his general direction. Will coughed and frantically waved away the smoke, eyes tearing up and feeling rather itchy.

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