Clay (N)

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TW: Tentacle Junk, Alien!Will, Xeno Junk

Chapter One

Will Strife was like clay.

Not soft and malleable and sculpt-able like you're thinking.

He was tough and cold and unyielding, it would take the strongest of men to take him in both hands and squeeze untill the solid clay lump would yield and break apart into smaller, uneven and broken lumps.

But Parv wasn't the strongest of men, and he didn't want to break Will Strife.

No the proper way to work clay was by warming it, slowly, rolling it between your hands and working it gently until the surface moves with your touch, sticking to your skin a little as you roll it into an even ball.

And then you start putting a little more strength into it.

Coaxing the ball of clay into different shapes pushing at it and pulling at it untill it no longer resists your will, no longer fights the shape you put it in.

And that's why, well over a year after first meeting, only now was Parv holding Will in his arms.

Carefully, delicately, hands on slim hips, thumbs rubbing soothing circles through the soft cotton of Will's dress-shirt.

Will's hands rested unsurely at Parv's shoulders, hovering between pulling him closer or pushing away. But for now holding tightly as Parv kissed him.

"Parvis.." he grumbled, as Parv moved to kiss along his jaw.
He wasn't quite sure how, or rather WHY, this happened, but there had been a moment of silence in their bickering and then he was kissing Parv.

Or Parv was kissing him.

Parv had started it either way.

For a moment he'd panicked, but not for a moment did he consider pushing the blood mage away.

Chapter Two

Will shivered and Parv flinched back a little as the usually pale green freckles flared a little brighter under Parv's touch. Parv watched them dim slowly until they returned to normal.

It would have been easier for him to just ask Will what that was, and he could feel Will watching him carefully , waiting for him to ask, or freak out; which would have been anyone else's reaction, but not Parv, he knew Will wasn't native to this planet, and he hadn't really known what to expect - because Will was, seemingly, completely humanoid - but he wouldn't have guessed that Will's freckles were... what was the word... bio-luminescent?

Parv lifted a hand, and traced his fingers very, very lightly over Will's pulse point. Freckles flared outwards like ripples in water and dimmed again.

"Is that going to happen every time I touch you?" Parv asked.

" 'that' is a perfectly normal reaction for my people to have to certain -uh -well /ahem/ certain..."

Parv grinned and gave Will's hip a squeeze - he could have sworn the shorter man twitched more than a little at that - "Wait here." he said, jogging over to the light switch and flicking it off. So now, in the windowless basement that was Parv's blood alter/sorting system/pretty much everything room they were stood in almost complete darkness - the glowstone in the alter gave off some light.

Parv was quick to return to Will, quick to run his hands around Will's waist and kiss his surprisingly soft lips again.

Will wrapped his arms around Parv's shoulders, trying to pull Parv closer against him without being obvious. There was no way Parv would work this out, but just having him close, touching him, was already doing so much for Will. His species sense of touch was twice that of a native minecraftian, especially when his nodes began to 'unfreeze' - like they were now, and the usually soft cotton of his shirt was itchy against them, the ones on his legs in a slightly worse state for the moment.

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