Even Ghosts Forget (S)

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TW: Graphic Depiction of Violence, Mentions of Blood

Chapter One: Death Or Disgrace

"Why do you hate Magic so much, Will?"

"I don't hate it. I just prefer to stay away from it."

"I bet you'd be so good at it! Maybe your special blood would help you!"

"I'm not using Magic."


"I said no, Parvis. End of discussion."

I left the building, anger seething through my veins. I wanted nothing to do with Magic. It was a catastrophic addiction.

The sky was an inky black, stars spread across the vast canvas. The air was cold, calming my thoughts. It had been a long day. Parv was falling deeper into the cursed grasp of Blood Magic. Runes were etched into his skin, scarring his body with it's pained control. I sat under the cover of the trees, watching the stars float freely above.

A presence came to my senses some time later. A tall figure slumped beside me.

"I'm sorry if I pushed you."

"Don't be sorry." I turned to face a pale Parvis, his eyes filled with regret.

"I didn't mean to pry. I didn't think-"

"It's not your fault, Parv." I smiled, opening the palm of my hand. A deep green essence formed between my fingers, dancing into the night. Small shapes formed, enveloping us in it's light.

"It's beautiful..." Parv gasped. His eyes were shining. The patterns circled us, reflecting onto our bodies. I watched as it embraced the Mage, slowly moving up his arms. The runes began to fade, the green smothering out the pain from his skin. It began to disappear, leaving us in the dark once more.

"It's a little trick we can do. We were mostly healers. My family had an unbelievable ability to work with machinery. We were Engineers. We built the future of our kind."

"Did something happen?"

"I focused on technology over what was in my blood. They weren't happy with it."

"What did they do?"

I looked at his runes, an audible sigh escaping my lips. "We each have our own scars, Parvis."

They only ever laughed. They mocked my interest. They mocked my existence. My father had told me to ignore the passion I had for building. We were Mages, Healers, and Wizards. Not Engineers. It was what we were born to do and it was what I had to do.

My family were understanding. They knew how much I wanted to build, to create new things. They knew I wanted the technology to explore other words.

Others were less forgiving. I was a laughing stock. They would attack me at any given opportunity. They took everything from me. My confidence, my appearance, even my family.

"Why are you crying?"

"I'm not."

His arms wrapped around me. "It's ok to cry Will. You are allowed emotions just like the rest of us."

I was quiet for a few moments longer. Then I broke down. I pushed my face into the crook of Parv's neck, sobbing. He tightened his grip, pulling me closer to him. Everything I had forgotten for so long was flooding back.

Everything was burning. The flames licked at my skin as I desperately tried to pull them from the blast.

"Go, my son." He had whispered.

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