Boo-boo Kissing Duty (S)

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TW: Fluff


It was a text from Parv. Probably bugging him about going over to his castle to see more of his potty-mouthed wizardry. He was too busy for that.

Without replying, Strife placed his phone down on a chest beside the crafting table he was working at and continued on his latest project. It was an upgrade for his current armour. His current gear was good, but this one would allow him to-

His phone buzzed again and disrupted his train of thought. It also made his arm jerk slightly in shock and got some solder all over the place. Great. Now he had to redo that part of the circuitry.

Leaning over and glaring at his phone, he saw that it was another text from Parv. It was just his name. Again.

Deciding that the other had to stop if he ignored him for long enough, he left the message without a reply once more.

The next minute or so was peaceful.

Then, another buzz.


He went back to working on his armour upgrade.

Will Will Will

He was definitely not replying to that.







Willy Willy Wiiiiiiiiiiilllllll


Will Will Will Will Will Will Will


Willy Willy Strifeykins!!!!!!

The quick succession of text messages then ceased for a few minutes and Strife thought that he had finally won. There was no way Parv could have enough patience to bother him for so long. Ha! Take that, Parvis! He had triumphed! He had-

Another buzz. Great.

However, this time when he leant over to look at his phone, what he read made his bright green eyes go wide.

I'm outside your big silly tower thingy so you better let me in!

No. No no no no no no. He could not have Parv here to mess all his delicate machinery up. Definitely not. Nope.

Then he heard a knock on his heavy doors and, though he would deny it later, his heart beat went a little faster in panic.

Seriously Will you better let me in or i will find a way in

Maybe, if he stayed quiet, Parv would think he was out and he would go away...

Unfortunately, he had no such luck.

Another buzz.

I'm at ur window!!!!!!

Swallowing hard, Strife looked up from his phone and at the window to see Parv standing there, not in his bound armour for once, and waving at him vigorously with a face-splitting grin.

Oh no. No no no no no.

Immediately another text came in and he really panicked.

If you don't let me in im gonna break ur window

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