Chaos Without Solution (S)

158 8 1

TW: Blood And Chaos, Injury, Blood

"Look, I can put this book in the alter- what is this..."

"Parvis, stop it!"

"It's a- a purple book thing, I can put it in, I'm a God now, look at this, I'm the greatest God ever!"

"Parv stop! You're going to get us killed!"


The explosion sends us both flying apart. I can feel my head slam against the cold stone as the blast crumples the building. Then, nothing.

Hours pass before I wake, pain throbbing through my head. The remains of my armour lie in shreds on the ground, surrounded by glowstone and blood and threads of red and black metal. I reach out, clasping the cold, crumpled scraps of what was once armour in my fist.


My body jerks, the sheer destruction of the altar filling the room. Blood is everywhere, painting the walls a deep red. Under the red is purple, woven through the stone and over the floor.. My ears are ringing, screaming in my head to get out of the wreck. I pull myself up, surveying the mess. A pillar has crashed into one of the walls, the dirt that was outside the brick tumbling in. It was tinged with the same purple.. A small figure is under the stone brick, blonde hair covering his face. I drag myself toward the body, attempting to pull the pillar from his chest. It begins to budge, causing more of the building to fall. Shit. I move Will's hair from his face, choking back tears as I see the blood.

"Will? Please wake up..." I croak, attempting to pull him from under the stone. He's cold. I choke back a sob, looking around him. His communicator is strewn over the floor, screen cracked but still humming a light blue. I grasp it, looking at the chat log. It's filled with questions of the explosion.

<LividCoffee> what the fuck was that?

<Sips_> Whatever it is something juicy better had happened.

<KirinDave> Whatever it is, Sips, you can keep your big nose out of it.

<Sips_> Yeah, yeah.

I shake my head, sending a message.

<W_Strife> hello?

<W_Strife> its parv i need help

<Sips_> Shit man, that was you?

<W_Strife> ive fucked up ok strife is going to die i need HELP

<KirinDave> I'm coming.

<Sips_> I bet you are! ;)

I groan, place the communicator down, and press my forehead to Will's. He was so pale...

"Oh, Parvis, what a mess you've made."


"I tried to teach you discipline for this exact reason, Parv. I told you, this magic is consuming." The mage kneels beside me, sighing quietly. "When I lift this; take Will and wait outside. I'll be right behind you."

Before I can answer he is lifting the pillar, blue falling around his body. I lift Will from the ground, his body limp in my arms.

"Hurry!" Kirin shouts. I run up the stairs, pushing past the remains of the secret door and out of the building. Outside shows more purple, the diseased colour spread through Strife's sunflowers and out toward the trees. Kirin emerges behind me, the sound of the building crashing behind him. He looks around, his face draining of colour.

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