You Had Chemicals Boy, Dirty And Numb (N)

365 9 1

TW: Drug Abuse, Rough Sex

Strife's hands were shaky as he cut up the glittering red powder into neat, fine lines with a razor. He had been feeling on edge lately and it had been long enough, he felt, since he indulged in something like redstone.

"Are you sure you don't have a problem, Strifey?" A voice that sounded too close and too far. Strife heard the grin accompanying the remark and frowned.
He refused to answer. He didn't have a problem; redstone was fantastic for his efficiency and it was fine to indulge in such luxuries, right? He leant down and snorted up the line he had dealt for himself.

The effect was almost immediate. White hot electrical surges burned their way through his system, through his veins, and he groaned shakily to himself. A warm body sidled up next to him and a lanky arm draped itself over his shoulders. He felt the grin mere inches from his face.

"I don't see the appeal... But the glittery red does look nice." Strife felt a thumb wipe away at the excess off his upper lip, the sensation amplified, and the gritty sound of fingerprints over rough powder on skin was so loud.

Strife inhaled deeply through his nose, chasing after that sensation and taking in the redstone that stuck to the insides of his nose.

"Need another line," he mumbled, opening his eyes finally. In his periphery was that grin.

"Go right ahead, Strifey."

Another line straight to the system - it burned hotter and stars sparked behind his eyelids. He slumped down against the sofa, letting the sensations wash over him until it left his head floaty and buzzing with warmth. The bony body beside him slumped next to him, pressing into his side, and a head rested on top of his own. Strife opened his eyes and saw Parvis staring down at him, eyes half lidded like he was coming down from redstone himself. Dark eyes, bordering on black, with thick lashes. Strife idly thought about counting all of them. He leaned up and pressed his face closer to Parv's cheek, probably smearing redstone but he didn't care.

A giggle bubbled up sweet from Parv's throat. "You're always so affectionate when on redstone! What will it take for you to be like this sober, hm?"

Strife didn't answer. He was too distracted by the soft feel of Parv's hair on his cheek, the sweet clean smell on Parv's skin, and that smell from whatever shampoo Parvis was using.

"You smell nice..." Strife mumbled. Parvis snickered and nuzzled into him.

"It's your own shampoo, Strifeykins. You know what it smells like!" He waved his hair in Strife's face.

Strife smiled, a little dreamy. "Doesn't smell the same on me." He reached a hand out to cradle the back of Parv's neck and pulled him closer, a little rougher than he thought to do.

"Wonder if you taste good too?" Strife snorted, like he told a funny joke, and mouthed sloppily at Parv's stubbled jawline.

Parv's breath hitched at the sudden feel of teeth and tongue on him. The sound was loud in Strife's ears and it sounded so nice. The feel of stubble on his tongue was rough and tickled pleasantly in such a way he had to laugh. He continued mouthing at Parv's jawline, tongue dragging against the grain of his stubble and his mouth slowly dragged downwards to the soft skin on Parv's neck. It tasted just as good there even without the stubble so he shoved Parvis down onto the couch and bit down hard, harder than he realized.

Parvis gasped and leaned his head back with a whine, fingers scrambling at Strife's shoulders and grabbing fists full of his fine shirt. He grinned to himself and arched his body fully against Strife just to hear him growl low against his skin.

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