Lunch Date

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Location: Toni's Home

Toni's POV

Its been about three weeks since I have seen and spoken to Babyface. He hasn't called, texted, or even dropped by to see me. I don't mind either. I would've just ignored him. I canceled any private performances that Babyface and I had during these three weeks and stayed home with the boys. My heart is still healing. I've had some good and some bad days, the good outweighing the bad. The sisters have been really helpful, taking care of Denim and Diezel while I stayed up in my room. Towanda and Tamar have spent the last four days at my house cheering me up. Today I've decided to get back to work. I shouldn't let a man's reaction to my love keep me down. Back into the studio and performances I go.

I get up ready to have a good day. Ashley and Tamar are in my home office when I get there.

Ashley: Hey Auntie!

Tamar: Well looks who's up and feeling good today.

Toni: Hey guys. Today feels like a good  day. I'm ready to work.

Tamar: Are you sure?!

Toni (laughing): Yes Tamar.

Ashley: Great. Well you have an interview tomorrow with someone, but I'm scared to tell you who that person is.

Towanda walked into the office and sat down.

Towanda: It better not be Babyface.

Ashley (bobbing her hear and nervously looking around): Well you're warm.

Toni: If it's not him, then who is it Ash?

Ashley: It's his wife.

Tamar: Bish what!

Towanda: Did she say why she wanted to meet with Toni?

Ashley: Not at all, she just said that it was very important, kind of urgent that she speak to Toni tomorrow at noon at Rachel's, a restaurant in Beverly Hills.

Toni's mind began to wonder. Did Nicole find out about her and Babyface? Did he tell her about the semi-affair that they had?

Toni: I think I'm getting a headache.

Tamar: Calm down. Maybe it's not something important.

Towanda: Yeah, maybe she wants to just talk to you. Nothing serious.

Toni: What?! We're not even friends like that. I don't call this woman every now and then to chit chat. I just see her when I see her.

Towanda: If it makes you feel better, Tamar, Ash, and I want to go.

Tamar (excited): Yes. We'll behave, I promise.

Towanda: Yeah! We'll just sit in a corner in the back of the restaurant close to you guys just in case anything pops off.

Ashley: I'll be there for the free food.

All the girls looked at Ashley and started laughing.

Toni: You are a trip! Okay you guys can come. But! You cannot speak at all. Especially Tamar.

Tamar: You tried it! I will not speak... unless I'm spoken to.

Towanda: I'll make sure that she doesn't speak.

Ashley: No problem. And I'll make sure that I order anything I want to since Nicole is paying.

Toni (dying of laughter): You just comin' for the free food Ash?

Ashley: Ya damn Skippy. Free food is amazing!

Toni and the girls continued talking and answering emails and phone calls about Toni's summer and future performances. Toni was mentally preparing herself for tomorrow.

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