Birthday Surprise

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5 Months Later...

Toni and Babyface have settled into a routine as husband and wife. Babyface has been touring lately across the states, while Toni has been taking some down time to take care of the kids and write new music. Babyface has been gone for the last three weeks and Toni misses him. Her first birthday with them as a married couple is tomorrow and he is out of town.

The sisters are in town to celebrate her birthday.

Tamar: So Tone, what do you want to do for your birthday?

Toni: Nothing.

Tamar: Come again.

Toni: I'm just going to stay home with the kids and chill. Ken has a concert in Pennsylvania that he is supposed to be doing tomorrow tonight.

Towanda: Awww. You miss your husband.

Toni (tearing up): A lot.

Trina: Look at those big juicy tear drops!

Traci: We understand how you feel Tone. He'll be home soon.

Toni: Even though it's been only 3 stupid weeks, I miss waking up to him. His warm strong arms holding my head and on my hip. It's the best feeling in the world.

Tamar: It's the first time you guys have been separated since getting married?

Toni: Yeah and it sucks. We FaceTime practically any chance he gets, but its not the same. (Laughing) One time I fell asleep on him and woke up to him still on the phone! He said he wanted my face to be the first thing I saw when I woke up.

Trina: Now you're gonna make me cry! That is so beautiful.

Tamar: I'll tell you what. How about we spend tomorrow at my house, a girl's day. Mommy can handle all the grandchildren and it's just us five. What do you say?

Toni: That might cheer me up.

Traci: Yeah, we'll have all your favorite food and snacks ready.

Towanda: We'll even watch "I Love Lucy" with you!

Toni: Now that might cheer me up!

Tamar: She tried it. You wouldn't have agreed if we didn't say that we'll watch "I Love Lucy."

Toni: Not true, I still would've said yes. I just would've wondered what you guys would have in mind.

Trina: Now let's go and get some drinks.

Tamar: You and this damn alcohol. How is your liver not gone yet!

Trina: I drink occasionally.

Towanda: Yeah, with me.

Tamar: If you say so girl. Let's go.

The sisters took Toni to Mr. Chow and ordered her favorite dishes. They were tasting the dishes when Babyface called Toni. She answered it at the table, it was a video call.

Toni: Ken!

Babyface: Hey love, how are you? I miss you.

Toni: I miss you too. The kids and I are good. Nicole took Peyton for the rest of the week.

Babyface: She texted me yesterday morning about that. How did Diezel football game go last night? We were talking when he was going into the locker room and then the call dropped.

Toni: His team lost by a field goal. He was down about it until we went out for sundaes.

Babyface: I wish I could've been there to cheer him up. Den has a basketball game in a few hours. Keri is supposed to be there videotaping it live so that I can watch.

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