Honeymoon Bliss

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The warm breeze and heat of the sun in Toni's eye woke her up from her slumber. She rolled over to cuddle next to Babyface, but he was nowhere in sight. Toni snuggled into his side of the bed and could still smell the rest of manly scent and cologne. With the sheet loosely wrapped around her frame, Toni looked to see if his clothes were still laid out on the floor. Since arriving to their cabana, they have not seen the outside. Toni then noticed a small note on the side table.

Dear Wife,

Hope you had a lovely dream. I went to get us some breakfast and a few snacks for the rest of the day. I will return soon.

Love you.

Ken xoxo

Toni smiled at the message. Hopefully today they could go site seeing. She wanted to take lots of pictures and bring a few souvenirs for the kids.

Toni went back to sleep.

An hour later...

Toni woke up again to someone kissing her shoulders and pulling the sheets off of her.

Toni (smiling): I can get used to waking up like this.

Babyface: I plan to make that a routine (kissing his way up to Toni's face).

Toni: Morning husband.

Babyface: It's almost afternoon, wife.

Toni: Really? I saw your note and went back to sleep trying to wait on you. What's for breakfast?

Babyface: You and then this tray of fresh fruit and food that I bought back.

Toni: Me first?

Babyface: Dessert before the main course always taste good.

Toni (kissing him): That does sound nice.

Toni and Babyface made love to the sound of the wind passing through the ocean creating a subtle moving sound. Breakfast waited, the sun shining on their bodies through the window. Taking their time and letting time and each other reach above the clouds.

Hours later...

Toni (basking in the glow): Now I'm starving!

Babyface: Me too.

Toni: For food Ken! I would love some fruits right about now.

Babyface: I have just the thing. I'll warm up our late breakfast.

Babyface dropped the sheets and walked towards the kitchen. He could feel Toni biting her lip and staring at him.

Babyface: Stop staring Tone. (Smiling) You wanted real food and it's coming.

Toni (licking her lips): I know, I'm just enjoying the nice view.

Babyface: Anytime baby, anytime.

Babyface came back with the food and they feed each other while planning how they would spend the rest of their time here touring different parts of the island.

Toni: I would love to try one of the local restaurants. I hear the conch here is delicious!

Babyface: We can try that later for dinner? I noticed a restaurant about 25 minutes from here. Cute and intimate for us to dine out at. It's called Lilly's.

Toni: Perfect. Tomorrow we'll head to the beach.

Babyface: We can rent out a boat to go on the water.

Toni: That sounds nice. This star fruit is so yummy!

Babyface: Let me try.

Toni broke a piece of the starfruit and fed it to Babyface.

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