Serious Relationship

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Toni and Babyface are still in the studio finalizing her album. They are putting the last finishing touches so that it can be released in the next upcoming month. While in the booth singing, Toni could sense that Babyface was tense at something and angry. He kept speaking to everyone with an attitude.

Toni: Is there any way that we can all take a five minute break so that I can talk to Babyface alone?

Babyface looked confused, but agreed. Once everyone left the two of them alone, Toni got out of the booth and sat next to Toni.

Toni: What's wrong Ken?

Babyface: Nothing. Nothing at all.

Toni: Are you sure? Because whether you see or not, you're talking to everyone with an attitude.

Babyface: I don't want to talk about it right now.

Toni (placing her hand on his knee): Talk to me Ken. When you hurt, I feel it.

Babyface placed his hand over Toni and just looked at her thinking. He finally decided to speak.

Babyface: I have a few issues back home that I'm trying to deal with and they're taking a toll on me.

Toni: Like what?

Babyface: Nicole and I have been fighting like cats and dogs lately.

Toni: You guys should go and see someone about that. If that doesn't work, talk to Nicole and tell her how you feel.

Babyface: That hasn't been working lately.

Toni: When I feel frustrated, I just talk to Dave. We make sure that no one is mad or angry.

Hearing Dave's name made Babyface even madder. He didn't want to her that man's name right now.

Babyface: I think that five minute break is over. Let's get back in the booth and finish this album.

Toni: We'll talk afterwards?

Babyface: No, I'm fine. Thanks for asking.

Toni could sense that Babyface wanted to end the conversation as soon as it started. The music session ended and Babyface decided to head home and relax for the rest of the day. He turned off his cellphone and went into his music room. Peyton wasn't in town, she was with her aunt and uncle for a few weeks. Nicole walked into the room and watched Babyface get lost in the music. He was playing an unknown song that pierced the heart, pierced his broken heart.

Nicole: That's a beautiful song.

Babyface: Thank you.

Nicole: I uh signed the divorce papers that you wanted me to sign. I left them on the kitchen counter.

Babyface: I noticed them. I'll deliver them to my lawyer tomorrow.

Nicole sat on the bench next to Babyface and shed a few tears.

Nicole: Where did we go wrong Ken?

Babyface: I honestly don't know. I just don't know.

Nicole: We were in love.

Babyface: How long were you sleeping with the gardener?

Nicole: That's beside the point.

Babyface: How long?!

Nicole: Almost two years.

Babyface: Two years, while I was on the rode providing for you and Peyton back home!

Nicole: You don't know how it feels to be home while your husband is constantly on the road. He's not here on Valentine's Day, but he'll send you roses. He misses your birthday because he had a concert to do. A women needs physical love.

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