Finding Love Again Pt. II

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Toni woke up and rolled over to snuggle more into Babyface, but felt nothing.

Toni (looking around the room): Ken?

Toni noticed that his clothes were not on the floor from last night. She grabbed his pillow and inhaled his scent. She then noticed a note under his pillow and smiled.

The note read.

Hi love,

Morning. I knew you would reach for my pillow when you woke up. I had a few errands to run this morning and I will be back later. Don't forget that your dad is flying in today for our family reunion. Enjoy your day. Love you short stuff. See you soon.

P.S. ring the bell that's on your night stand.

Love, Ken. Xoxo

Toni smiled and smelled the card. Babyface always sprayed his notes to Toni with his cologne. Toni noticed the bell on her nightstand and rang it.

Toni: I wonder what Ken has this bell for.

No one arrived, so Toni rang the bell again. She heard footsteps approaching the bedroom door and looked.

Toni (tearing up): No way. No way!

Peyton: Hi mom.

Diezel: Surprise!

Toni: You guys said you wouldn't be able to make it. I saw pictures of you guys in Argentina just last night.

Peyton: Dad thought it would be good to surprise you.

Denim: We missed you.

Toni: My babies!

The kids got on the bed and Toni showered them with kisses.

Peyton: Mom!

Diezel (trying to avoid her kisses): You face is wet and you have that white cream on your face.

Toni: I just missed you guys. Okay, I wanna see all the pictures you guys took.

Denim: We have all day for that. First, here's your breakfast. Dad had us working in the kitchen this morning.

Peyton (laughing): He had Diez covered in flour.

Toni: What did you guys cook?

Diezel: Your favorites: scrambled eggs, French toast, fresh strawberries, maple syrup, with tea and orange juice on the side.

Toni (smiling): Perfect. After I'm done eating, how about we just hang out and do whatever you guys want to do?

Denim: I like that idea.

Toni: Your aunties are stopping by later though.

Peyton: Speaking of that, I forget to call Umba. I'll be back.

Toni continued to eat the breakfast that they prepared while catching up with them about the different cities they toured.

A few hours later...

The sister pulled into Toni's driveway.

Towanda: Remember that we cannot ruin the surprise that Kenny has for Tone.

Tamar: My lips are sealed girl. What surprise?

Traci: We know you are good act acting confused Tamar.

Tamar: You tried it.

Traci: It's Trina that can't keep a surprise.

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