#39 - "I love you."

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It was the first night that you were staying over at Ashton's as a real couple; you were cuddling in his bed together, him being the big spoon and you being the little one, facing each other. He was holding you as close as possible and grazing his hands up and down slowly, making you even sleepier. You were running your fingers through his long-ish hair, pressing kisses to his forehead every so often. "I love you.." He mumbles, as you fall asleep in his arms with a smile on your face.


It was 3am and Calum felt more exhausted then he ever had in his entire life. He was laid back in the rocking chair, the two month old baby snuggled in his arms and feeding on a bottle that he'd just prepared. She wasn't crying anymore and she looked content, her whole body relaxed against his arm as she suckled on the milk. His eyes were bleary and he couldn't think straight, but looking down at his daughter, he'd never been happier. "I love you." He whispered, kissing her cheek and finishing the feed before falling asleep again.


It was your first time visiting Sydney and you'd fallen in love with the city; the lifestyle, the scenery, the weather... And a certain boy that you'd met along the way. You were sat on a hill looking over the beach and the stars twinkling above you, entwining hands with Luke. You were looking over the sand and the sea, the moon reflecting onto the water. Luke couldn't take his eyes off of you; you were so perfect to him, and he couldn't stop the words from coming out, "I love you."


It wasn't early; definitely past 10am, but you were still comfy and warm under the duvet and sound asleep. It didn't matter; you had nothing to do today anyway. It was one of the rare times that Mikey was awake before you, and he was so happy about it, because he could just watch you. See how your eyelashes flutter and how you smile in your sleep. He wondered what you were dreaming about or what you were thinking. "I love you." He whispered as he reached over to kiss your cheek, finally pulling you from your slumber.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2015 ⏰

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