#25 - He Takes Care Of The Baby

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A/N - sorry I didn't write a preference last week! I didn't have any motivation ugh:/ I go to the WWA tour next Friday! I'm so excited omg😄 BLONDE MICHAEL!💖💖


You wanted to go back to work a few months after giving birth to yours and Ashton's daughter, even though he didn't want you to. That just left Ashton to take care of the baby, which you didn't mind because you trusted him, but he was nervous. 

"What if something happens to her whilst you're at work babe?" Ashton asks as you straightened your hair for the day. 

"Honestly Ash, you'll be fine. Don't worry about it, I trust you! If anything happens you can call me. I trust you babe, okay?" You smile, kissing him softly. 

You leave for work and Ashton makes his breakfast, still waiting for your daughter to wake up. He finally hears the electronic cries that come from the baby monitor and he dashes upstairs to get her.

"Good morning my little baby!" He smiles, scooping up the five month old into his arms. "Did you sleep well sweetie?"

He changed her nappy/diaper then sat in the rocking chair in the corner, bouncing her up and down in his lap. She shot a gummy smile in his direction, making Ashton's heart burst with love.

"We'll be just fine without Mummy, right?" Ashton giggles, pressing a kiss to her chubby cheek, before rubbing the soft baby skin on the back of her neck. "We'll be just fine..."


You had gone out for a well deserved weekend away with your Mum, which meant Calum was babysitting. You didn't want to leave them but Calum insisted you had time to yourself.

He was struggling though, because since you walked out of the door, your son hadn't stopped crying. 

"Shhh, please stop crying baby boy,  I don't know what else to do." Calum murmured to the two month old, swaying him in his arms. "I'm a terrible Father..."

He picked up his phone and reluctantly dialled your number, not wanting to worry you but also needing help to stop the crying. You pick up after two rings and your heart is pounding with anxiety. 

"Cal? Everything okay?" You sigh, rubbing your temples.

"I'm sorry babe, but he won't stop crying! I don't know what else to do!" He exclaimed, as you could hear the cries in the background.

"Have you tried singing to him maybe?" You reply. Calum likes the idea and leaves you to enjoy your time out, but now you're worrying.

Calum cradled the small baby against his chest, softly patting his back and mumbling the words to 'Beside You'. Within five minutes, the baby boy was fast asleep in his Daddy's arms.


Luke positioned the baby bouncer in front of the chair so he could sit and practice guitar whilst keeping an eye on his 7 month old baby girl. You were out shopping with your girls, leaving the two of them alone. 

"Are you ready to watch Daddy play, huh?" Luke smiled, kissing her forehead that was covered in soft baby brown hair. 

He picked up the guitar and checked it was in tune, then started to strum 'Amnesia', which is his and your favourite 5 Seconds Of Summer song. He used to sing it to you and your baby when you were pregnant, which makes you love it even more.

"Do you like this song baby girl?" He mumurs, picking her up and sitting her on his lap. She grabs the strings of the guitar, giggling when they made a noise.

"I'll teach you one day sweetie, I promise." Luke said, rubbing her back gently and ticking her sides to hear her laugh that he loves.

"I love you baby." He whispers, peppering her face with kisses, being careful that his lip ring doesn't catch her face anywhere. "So so much." 


"Out like a light already..." Michael mumbles to himself, looking at his one year old son laid on his chest, fast asleep. He smiles to himself, loving the feeling of being a Daddy.

He quickly snaps a picture and sends it to you on your spa weekend, saying "Told you there was no need to be worried, I got it covered. Love you babe, hope you're having fun xxx"

Mikey continues to steal cars and escape from police on the video game that he's playing, trying not to disturb the sleeping baby. He always panicked when his baby boy cried; he hated seeing him upset and not knowing what to do about it made things worst for him.

There was a loud noise that came from from the game, a gunshot, a lot louder than Michael expected. The baby boy jumped and woke up from his nap, the startling cries escaping his mouth.

"I'm sorry baby boy.." Michael soothed, standing up and rocking the baby in his arms. "Oh shit..."

He rubbed his back and tried singing a few lines of songs, in an attempt to calm his son down. It wasn't working, until he thought of something you told him; "try to distract him."

"Hey baby, look! Look at the cars!" Michael grinned, pointing towards the toy cars on the lounge floor. Your son stopped crying to look then started to play, giving Michael an easy escape. "Thank god for that..."

A/N - post limit on tumblr:( ugh:/ comment requests if anyone has any:-)xxx

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