#33 - Embarrassing Stage Moment

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A/N - this has gifs on the tumblr post! alltimecxlum.tumblr.com/5sosmasterlist :-) xxx


You were stood backstage watching the boys perform, the show just getting started. The fans were going crazy and already loving the concert. 

"Are you ready to rock out?!" Michael shouted into the microphone, as the second song ended, earning lots of screams from the crowd.

Ashton did his classic ‘drumstick throw’ in the air, but it didn’t quite work out because as he tried to catch it, he managed to hit himself in the face with it then drop it. 

Some of the crowd laughed as Ashton giggled, looking over at you to see you laughing. He pouted at you and laughed, before continuing the show.


You were sat on the tour bus, waiting for the boys and their crew to come back after the show. 

You had also seen a vine that had been posted on Twitter earlier of Calum falling over and landing on his back. Bad things happening on stage always got to Calum, whether they were big or little.

As soon as they came back, Calum rushed to your bunk and forced himself into your arms, burying his face into your neck. You felt hot tears running down your shoulder as he cried.

"Calum, baby it’s okay." You whispered, rubbing his back softly. "It’s okay."

"My back really hurts, and I hurt my wrist when I landed." He cried, feeling weak.

"We’ll get it checked out babe. It’s okay, you’re fine." You kissed his forehead and ran your fingers through his hair until he fell asleep cuddled up to you.


You had only been on two or three dates with Luke so far, and you really liked him, and he had invited you to see a few of the shows of WWAT.

You were really enjoying the concert so far, because you were a huge fan of them even before you met Luke. You loved how much energy they had and how they jumped around the stage.

It had been raining previously that day so the stage wasn’t fully dry, and when Luke was jumping around he slipped and just stopped himself from falling. You laughed pretty loudly and Michael spotted you, looking over at Luke.

 "You just embarrassed yourself in front of Y/N!" Michael laughed, pointing at you, making Luke cover his face with his hands.


You stood at the side of the stage, watching the boys do what they do best, singing along to Beside You. Michael spotted you with a few members of the crew and waved, mouthing something that you couldn’t make out.

He started laughing to himself as he strummed the guitar, not looking where he was going, and slipped to the floor, falling next to Luke’s feet.

You clasp your hand over your mouth, trying to stop yourself from laughing to not look like a bad girlfriend if he had hurt himself. 

As soon as he stood up and looked over to you, you burst out laughing and he couldn’t sing because he was just focusing on you.

"You better kiss me better later!" He exclaimed into the microphone, winking at you, making you turn red as they moved on to the next song.

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