#8 - Nightmares

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A/N - hello everyone:-) how is everyone? you all had a good week? please keep commenting if you like these preferences or if you want to give feedback:-) love you guys, thanks for the reads and votes! 🙈💖


You and Ashton were cuddling in bed and talking about things that had happened during the week, when you heard the door creak open and saw your little two year old padding across the bedroom.

"Daddy?" She muttered, pulling on the covers at his side of the bed.

"Hey princess, why aren't you in bed, huh?" Ashton asks, picking her up and snuggling her into his chest.

"Hi baby, what's wrong?" You ask.

"I had a bad dream Daddy." She mumbles, then bursts into tears.

"Hey, hey, shhh. It's okay baby, I've got you. It's okay." He whispers, cradling her to his chest. "Shh, princess."


You were trapped in a small room, pitch black with no way to get out. You started to panic, shouting out Calum's name over and over again.

"Calum! Help me, help, I'm trapped, help me.." You mumble in your sleep, which wakes Cal up.

"Y/N? Baby? What's wrong?" Calum days groggily, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes before realising what's going on.

"Y/N, wake up gorgeous, it's me." He whispers, kissing your head multiple times.

"Calum?" You murmur, looking around to see where you are.

"Yeah it's me baby girl, you're okay. Let's get back to sleep."


You had decided to tour around America with the 5SOS boys at the last minute so you had to squish in Luke's single bunk.

It was a tight squeeze but you liked sleeping close to Luke.

"Y/N..." Luke mumbles in his deep sleepy voice. "Don't leave me..."

"Luke?" You whispered, turning over to face him. "Babe?"

"Y/N?" Luke murmured. "Are you okay?"

"Well I'm fine, but I think you had a nightmare babe." You say, kissing his cheek. "It's okay, go back to sleep now."


"Daddy?" Your 7 year old son says, shaking Michael's shoulder. "Daddyyyy..."

Michael awoke and rubbed his eyes, soon realising that his son needed him.

"What's up buddy?" He asks, lifting him into the bed.

"I had a dream that the monsters under my bed came out and ate Mummy." He says, tears filling his beautiful blue eyes.

"Hey buddy, it's okay, Mummy's right there, look! And she's asleep, so shh." he puts a finger to his lips. "You can sleep in here tonight, I'll keep you safe."

A/N - awh☺️ my kik is laurenkellyyxx if anyone wants to message me at anytime! love you guys, stay beautiful💖

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