#26 - Good Girls [Song Preference]

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A/N - GUYS OMG I WENT TO WWA TOUR AND IT WAS THE BEST NIGHT OF MY LIFE! THEY'RE ACTUALLY REAL! I'm gonna be uploading a like 20 minute long video of 5SOS that I have so watch if you're interested!xxxx


"She's a good girl,
she's Daddy's favourite."

"It's great to meet you sir." Ashton said, holding out his hand to shake with your Fathers'.

Ashton was terrified, he knew how protective your Father was over you. You had tried to reassure him that everything would be fine and your Dad would like you, but that didn't make him feel any better.

"So you're in a band?" Your Father asked.

"I am Y/F/N. We're doing pretty well actually, we have an album coming out soon." He smiled, continuing to eat the meal your Mum had made.

"What are you planning to do when you go touring with your band then?" Your Dad replied, as you rolled your eyes and sighed.

"Dad, do you really need to ask that?" You sigh.

"I need to know he's gonna take care of you Y/N!" Your Dad said. "I know it seems like i'm being over protective but you're my little girl and I want him to keep you safe."

"I'm always gonna protect her Y/F/N, you don't need to worry. I love your daughter a lot and wouldn't do anything to hurt her, I swear."


"'Cause every night she studies hard in her room,
At least that's what her Parents assume."

You sit at your computer desk reading the equations over and over in your head. You were bored out of your mind and sick of trying to learn useless things that you'd never use in life.

"I can't do this anymore..." You mutter, grabbing your phone.

"Hey baby." Calum answered, you could practically hear him grinning. "I knew you were gonna call!"

"I can't do it anymore Calum, i'm so bored! Meet me outside in 5?" You replied, running your hand through your hair.

"Of course baby, see you there." He said, hanging up.

You lock your bedroom door and quickly make yourself look presentable before climbing out of the window to find Calum outside your gate, looking up at you.

"Hey gorgeous, lets go have some fun.


"So just turn around and forget what you saw,
Cause good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught."

"You really shouldn't be doing this you know, Y/N." Luke sighed. "You should be in school, i'm surprised you even skipped one class, never mind all of them."

"I don't give a shit Luke, about anything." You replied, taking another long drag of the cigarette held between your fingers.

"Wow, why have you suddenly changed?" Luke asked, looking confused.

"I haven't changed, you've just never seen me like this before." You reply. "But you aren't gonna tell my Parents right?"

"Of course I won't, i'll just have to forget I didn't see you, right?"

"Forget what you saw Luke, or you'll see an even worst side of me."


"In the back of the room, where nobody looks,
She'll be with her boyfriend, she's not reading books."

Everyone else in the class was paying attention apart from Michael, and the two lovers at the back of the room. Michael, sat at the table in front of them, was turning around every two minutes, and there they were, hiding behind a book.

"You two seem to be learning a lot." He scoffed, as you turn your eyes to look at him.

"Oh shut up you dick, get back to your work." You reply, rolling your eyes.

"I can't work with the sound effects of you two animals behind me." He said. "You're a lot different to what I thought Y/N."

"That's what they all say." You smile. "Get used to it, this is me, now turn around and shut it."

A/N - Luke and Michael's are really bad ugh:/ hope everyone is gooooood:-)

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