#12 - He Says Something Bad About You To The Boys {PART ONE}

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A/N - this was a request from emmytigger,
thanks for requesting! hope this is okay for you!xxx


You were walking through the door after a long day at work, and you knew that Ashton had the boys over to play Fifa. You were exhausted and just wanted to cuddle with Ashton.

"I mean, of course I love her, but she's so clingy. Sometimes I just want time to myself but she always wants to cuddle.." Ashton says, clearly talking about to you the boys.

"She loves you Ash, that's why. Maybe you should talk to her about it." You hear Luke reply.

"Don't bother, I know now. Thanks Ashton." You say, walking into the room.

The boys look at you in shock and Ashton looks guilty.

"No! Babe wait, i'm sorry, i'm so sorry." Ashton says, following you upstairs.

"Leave me alone! You said i'm clingy, well let me give you space!" You shout, then slam the bedroom door behind you.


"Her skin is already bad... but then she tries to cover it with makeup and it's even worst!" Calum says to Luke.

"That's harsh Cal, why don't you just be honest with her?"

You stand with your ear pressed against the door of your living room, you just finished shopping and returned home to hear this.

"Hey boys." You fake smile, pretending not to have heard anything.

"Hi babe, you okay?" Calum asks and you nod in response then go straight to your bedroom.

You didn't want Calum to know that he had upset you. But you knew you had to change to be perfect for him.


You were napping on the sofa, tired out from looking after your one year old daughter. She was always hyper and you were always exhausted.

You were just waking up when you heard Luke on the phone to one of the boys.

"She's always sleeping! I feel like I'm raising her by myself, Y/N doesn't help at all!"

You were hurt by his words and didn't think they were true.

"Fine then Luke, you go to bed! I'll stay up all day and all night like you clearly think you do! How can you even say that?!" You shout, taking your daughter and going upstairs.


"She doesn't care about her body or looks at all! It's embarrassing for me because whenever we go out together she doesn't care about her appearance! Would it kill her to do a bit of excercise?!" You hear Michael ranting to Ashton.

"Then you should talk to her! Don't make her feel bad about herself though." Ashton replies.

You walk into the kitchen where Michael and Ashton were.

"Hey guys, what you talking about?" You walk in, acting like you don't know anything.

"Oh nothing, we were just talking." Michael replies.

"I need to lose weight..." You think.


hope you're all okay, please keep voting, commenting+following! ily💗💘☺️

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